Media Studies - Narrative Terminology 0.0 / 5 ? Media StudiesNarrativeASWJEC Created by: BlushingCloudsCreated on: 22-01-17 19:01 Propp's Theory Vladimir Propp's proposal that characters and their actions can be classified into specific roles, e.g. hero, princess, villain 1 of 9 Todorov's Theory Todorov's ideas of a narrative having different stages of equilibrium: 1. equilibrium 2. disequilibrium 3. new equilibrium 2 of 9 Barthes Barthes suggested that narrative works with five different codes: action, semic, symbolic, cultural and enigma 3 of 9 Levi-Strauss's Theory The theory of opposites - binary opposites: good vs. evil, man vs. nature etc. 4 of 9 Peirce Signs and their meanings: semiotics. Icon, index, symbol. 5 of 9 Action Code Where one action will lead to another. 6 of 9 Semic Code The elements in a narrative relating to characters, settings, objects, or themes. 7 of 9 Symbolic Code Symbolism within the narrative, creating meaning, tension, drama and character development. 8 of 9 Enigma Code A code that sets up questions in the narrative. 9 of 9
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