English poetry quotes

commas indicate new quotes, quotes with commas and speech marks surrounding indicate quotes with commas but are one long quote. 

  • Created by: DJSalt
  • Created on: 08-03-17 00:58
Name quotes from exposure
Crusted dark red jewels, far off like a dull rumour of some other war, innocent mice rejoice, our brains ache, we only know war lasts, sudden successive flights of bullets streak the silence, what are we doing here?, for love of God seems dying
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Name quotes from exposure, continued.
Forgotten dreams, slowly our ghosts drag home, his frost will fasten on his mud and us, half-known faces, like twitching agonies of men among its brambles, on us the doors are closed, we turn back to our dying, but nothing happens
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Name quotes from Catrin
Our struggle to become separate, child, Fierce confrontation,Trailing love and conflict, The tight red rope of love we both fought over, Glass tank clouded with feelings, still I am fighting you off, That old rope
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Name quotes from the prelude
Small circles glittering idly in the moon, Grim shape, Sparkling light, Like living men, moved slowly through the mind, Her chain, by day and were a trouble to my dreams, "The horizons bound, a huge peak, black and huge"
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Name quotes from Prelude continued
Towered up between me and the stars, there hung a darkness, With trembling ores, No familiar remains, Like a swan
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Name quotes from The destruction of Sennacherib
Trumpet unblown, widows of Ashur are loud in their wail, And, Gleaming in purple and gold, Angel of death spread his wings, Hearts but once heaved, Sheen of their spears was like the stars in the sea, The Assyrian came down like the wolf on the fold
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Name quotes from The destruction of Sennacherib continued
Hath melted like snow , In the glance of the Lord
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Name quotes from Belfast Confetti
Suddenly as the riot squad moved in it was raining exclamation marks, "Nuts, boils, nails, car-keys", a burst of rapid fire, kept stuttering, all the alleyways and side streets blocked with stops and colons, every move is punctuated
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Name quotes from Belfast Confetti continued
Why can't I escape?, I know this labyrinth so well, explosion, What is My name?, A fusillade of question marks, Dead end again.
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Card 2


Name quotes from exposure, continued.


Forgotten dreams, slowly our ghosts drag home, his frost will fasten on his mud and us, half-known faces, like twitching agonies of men among its brambles, on us the doors are closed, we turn back to our dying, but nothing happens

Card 3


Name quotes from Catrin


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Card 4


Name quotes from the prelude


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Card 5


Name quotes from Prelude continued


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