English langauage Gender

A process by which individuals' behaviours are conditioned and shaped.
1 of 23
A sexist language? - Define what a MARKED FORM is?
That which stands out as different from the norm E.g Lady doctor.
2 of 23
A sexist language?- Define what a UNMARKED FORM is?
The measured norm, against which marked lexical items can be compared.
3 of 23
A sexist language?- Define COVERT MARKING?
Marking that is understood, for example young and old, young is the marked, old is the unmarked term.
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A sexist language? - Define OVERT MARKING?
Marking that takes place through affixiation or modification.
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Gender stereotyping - Define the term STEREOTYPING?
Assigning a general set of characteristics to a group as a whole, often with negative connotations.
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A sexist langauge? - Define SEMANTIC DEROGATION?
The sense of negative meaning or connotation that some lexical items have attached to them.
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A sexist language - Define SEMANTIC DETERIORATION?
The process by which negative connotations become attached to lexical items.
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Assumptions/Attitudes to male and female speech styles - Define FOLKLINGUISTICS?
Attitudes and assumptions about language that have no real evidence to support them, for example the assumption that women are more 'chatty' than men.
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Speech styles - Define COVERY PRESTIGE?
A from of high status given to non-standard froms.
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Speech Styles - Define what a HEDGING DEVICE is?
A linguistic device used to express uncertainty.
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Speech styles - Define what a BOOSTING DEVICE is?
A linguistic device used to intensify the force of an expression for added emphasis or power.
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Gender terminology - Define ANDROCENTRIC?
male dominated.
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Gender terminology - Define SEMANTIC ASYMMETRY?
The word may be the same but the connotations may be different.
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Gender terminology - Define LEXICAL ASYMMETRY?
The word should have the same values but it doesnt.
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Gender terminology - Define GENDER SPECIFIC TERM?
A word/phrase that is only related to a specific gender.
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Gender terminology - Define GENERIC TERM?
Word/phrase that relates to both genders.
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Gender terminology - Define DIMUNITIVE SUFFIX?
'ess' and 'ette' tht makes the word gender specific to females - marked term.
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Gender terminology - Define ADDRESS TERMS?
Men are only 'Mr', whereas women can be 'Mrs', 'Ms' or 'Miss' - Why doesn'y men's marital status matter for thier names?
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Gender terminology - Define SEMANTIC FIELDS?
terms for women often derived from items of food, clothing or animals.
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Gender Bias - Where does gender bias arise from?
Religion, Old english patriarcle societies, ect.
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Gender Bias - Who gets the raw deal when it comes to gender bias?
Women as in many texts and langauge women are seen as inferior and losts of the langauge holds more negative connotations for women than that of men.
22 of 23
Gender bias - is gender bias more acceptable in speech than writting or vice versa?
Gender bias is more acceptable in speech as it is spontaneuous and non perminant, whereas writting is pre-meditated and more perminant.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


A sexist language? - Define what a MARKED FORM is?


That which stands out as different from the norm E.g Lady doctor.

Card 3


A sexist language?- Define what a UNMARKED FORM is?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


A sexist language?- Define COVERT MARKING?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


A sexist language? - Define OVERT MARKING?


Preview of the front of card 5
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