How a variety of factors form your personnal langauge. Discourse community, gender, parents, religion, friendship groups, where you live, eduaction, occupation...
1 of 17
A defined use of language as a result of memebership of a scoial group.
2 of 17
Language variety of geographical region. Variation in vocab & grammar. NOT ACCENT (pronunciation used in region).
3 of 17
Closely relates to context and purpose. distant/unequal = more formal. close/equal = less formal. Register depends on: field, tenor & mode.
4 of 17
general purpose of communication.
5 of 17
relationship between producer/receiver.
6 of 17
Medium of communication: speech, written or mixed.
7 of 17
Texts that combine: words, images, sound and semiotics to produce meaning.
8 of 17
Mode- Speech features
Spontaneous, loose structure, simple grammar, concerned about present and informal.
9 of 17
Mode- Written features
Planned, highly structured, complex grammar, concerned with past & present and formal.
10 of 17
Text's use in given context (function) inform, persuade, instruct/advice and entertain.
11 of 17
When and how it's likely to be read and factors that influence it.
12 of 17
Context of reception
Situation text is read/heard and factors that influence readre's interpretation.
13 of 17
Context of production
How factors influence the writer of the text.
14 of 17
Actual reader
Reader that engages with the text.
15 of 17
Implied reader
Who the author has in mind when writing the text.
16 of 17
Implied writer
The readers constructed image they have in mind when reading the text.
17 of 17
Other cards in this set
Card 2
A defined use of language as a result of memebership of a scoial group.
Card 3
Language variety of geographical region. Variation in vocab & grammar. NOT ACCENT (pronunciation used in region).
Card 4
Closely relates to context and purpose. distant/unequal = more formal. close/equal = less formal. Register depends on: field, tenor & mode.
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