The repetition of a letter at the beginning of 2 or more words
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Asyndetic List
A form of list in which there is no conjunction such as 'and' or 'but' but commas
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The use of punctuation in the middle of a line of verse that highlights particular words or phrases
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Complex Sentence
A sentence that contains a mixture of clause types. A complex sentence must contain at least one main clause but will also contain a second kind of clause acting as a dependent or subordinate clause
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Compound Sentence
A sentence that contains more than one main clause. These clauses are linked by coordinating conjective or semicolon
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Concrete Noun
A noun that names solid objects in the real or imaginary world eg bread, butter, clock
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The type of language used in a particular geographical region
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The omission of words or letters or the use of '...'
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Continuity from one line of verse to the next without punctuation to end stop
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Figurative Language
A term that refers to the use of alliteration, metaphors and similes
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The type of language used by a particular gender
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The layout of a text with use of such features as typeface (itallics/bold) colour, size of font
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The type of language used by an individual
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The images created within a text
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An inconsistency between what someone says or does and what they mean or what is generally understood. It can also refer to an inconsistency between an understanding or an expression of reality and what actually happens
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The word choice in a text which is an important aspect of creating a suitable style or register (when choosing language and language features to suit a particular genre, context, audience and purpose)
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A figure of speech that compares one thing with another using 'is' or 'was'
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Modal Verbs
Verbs that indicate degrees of possibility or impossibility - should, could, would, must
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The punctuation to add extra information
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The study of how social context contributes to the meaning of language. It can only be fully revealed by a study of the social forces involved at the time: of the people involved, their social professional relationship and other situational aspects
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To ridicule something or someone to make a serious point
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Semantics/Semantic Fields
The Study of sentence meaning and/or a term which refers to a relationship that exists between some of the words or phrases used in a text
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A figure of speech that compares 2 things using 'like' or 'as'
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Simple Sentence
A sentence that contains a single subject and verb - an independent clause
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The type of language used by a particular social group
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Separate verses in a poem
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Syndetic List
A form of list in which there is a use of conjunctions such as 'and' or 'but'. Sometimes there is an overuse of the conjunctions
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A word that has a closely similar meaning to another word
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It refers to the way words are put together in a group to create meaning as phrases, clauses or as a sentence. Studying this involves investigating the structure and relationship of its words
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A word that describes an action
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A term that shows the social relationship or personal attitude towards a person
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
A word that describes a noun
Card 3
The repetition of a letter at the beginning of 2 or more words
Card 4
A form of list in which there is no conjunction such as 'and' or 'but' but commas
Card 5
The use of punctuation in the middle of a line of verse that highlights particular words or phrases
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