English language key terms a2
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- Created by: Pol
- Created on: 29-05-13 15:38
What is Accent?
The distinctive way a speaker from a particular region pronounces words
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What is an Acronym?
A new word made from the initial letters of all the words in a name or phrases e.g. N.A.S.A
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What is Amelioraion?
When a word develops a more positive meaning over time
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What is Archaism?
An old fashioned word or phrase that isn't used in present day English
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What is Blending?
When parts of two words are combined to make a new e.g. nylon
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What is Broadening?
When a word has a specific meaning becomes more general over time
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what is borrowing?
words from one languag fall into common usage in another as a result of contact e.g. globalisation
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what is clipping?
when a shorten version of a word becomes its own word e.g. demo, phone
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what is coining?
creating new words
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what is a compound?
a new word creatd by combining two or more existing words e.g. skyscaper
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what is convergence?
when one accent or dialect begins to use features that are common in another because of language contact
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what is a declarative sentence?
a sentence that makes a statement to give information
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what is denotation
the literal meaning of a word
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what is decriptivism?
the attitude that no use of language is incorrect nd that the variation should be described rather than corrected
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what is elision?
when sounds or syllables are slurred together (letters are missed out of words)
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what is euphemism?
a word or phrase used a substitue for harsher or more unpleasant sounding words or phrases e.g. friendly fire
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what is hedging?
word choices that show uncertainty in conversations
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what is a hyperbole?
when exaggeration is used for effect
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what is an idiom?
a saying that doesn't make sense if interpreted literally e.g. it is raining cats and dogs
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what is an imperative?
a sentence that givs orders, advice or directions
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what is initialism?
where the first letters of a word stand for the word itself e.g. FBI
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what it an interrogative?
a sentence that asks a question
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what is jargon?
specialist words used by a particular social group that non-members may not understnd e.g. legal language
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what is lexical field?
a group of words that relate to the same topic e.g. hotel is in the lexical field of travel
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what is a loan word?
words are taken from other languages
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what is a marked term?
a word that reveals a persons' gender e.g. master
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what is middle english?
the language spoken in England from 1150 AD until late 15th century
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what is neologisms ?
new words that enter a language
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what is non-fluency features?
features that interrupt the flow of talk e.g. hesitation, repetition, fillers, interruptions and overlap
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what is pejoration?
when a word develops a more negative meaning over time
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what is phatic language?
expressions that have social functions rather than serious meanings e.g. hello
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what is political correctness?
avoid using language or ideas that might be offensive about members of a particular group
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what is prescriptivism?
the attitude that language should have a strict set of rules that must be obeyed in speech and writing
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what is received pronunciation (RP)?
an accent traditionally associated with educated people
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what is serif typeface?
a typeface where fine 'strokes' are attached to the tops and bottoms of letters
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what is sociolect?
a variety of language used by a particular social group
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what is standardisation?
wen grammarians and prescriptivists attempt to structure and influence English usage according to what is seen as 'correct' or 'incorrect' usage of language
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is an Acronym?
A new word made from the initial letters of all the words in a name or phrases e.g. N.A.S.A
Card 3
What is Amelioraion?
Card 4
What is Archaism?
Card 5
What is Blending?
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