English language vocab 21-40 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? English LanguageASAQA Created by: Harriet ShepherdCreated on: 02-04-13 21:03 Idiolect An individual's style of speaking or 'linguistic fingerprint'. 1 of 20 Sociolect A defined use of language as a result of membership of a social group. 2 of 20 Discourse structure A group with shared values and approaches to reading. 3 of 20 Register A variety of language appropriate to a particular purpose and context. 4 of 20 Field General purpose of an act of communication. 5 of 20 Tenor The relationship between the participants in a conversation or between a text producer and receiver. 6 of 20 Dialect Language variety of a geographical region or social background, revealed by variation in lexical and grammatical terms. 7 of 20 Accent The specific way words are pronounced according to geographical region. 8 of 20 Standard English Universally accepted dialect of English that carries a degree of prestige. 9 of 20 Representation The projection of a certain way of thinking about a particular individual, group or institution through use of language. 10 of 20 Specialist register A set of lexical items and grammatical constructions particular to an institution or occupational group. 11 of 20 Jargon Specialist terminology that may exclude others. 12 of 20 Colloquialism An established set of informal terms used in everyday language. 13 of 20 Slang Colloquial language that is inventive and particular to individuals or groups. 14 of 20 Metalanguage A set of technical terms used to describe how language operates. 15 of 20 Lexis The method that deals with the vocab system of a language. 16 of 20 Semantics The method that deals with meaning and how that is generated within texts. 17 of 20 Textual cohesion The term used to describe how a text is logically structured to create a coherent sense of meaning. 18 of 20 Subject pronoun A pronoun that usually occurs as the actor in a verbal process. 19 of 20 Object pronoun A pronoun that usually appears as being affected by a verb process. 20 of 20
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