Environmental and Social Impacts of Agriculture 0.0 / 5 ? Environmental Science/StudiesAgricultureA2/A-levelAQA Created by: 8AED0504Created on: 14-03-18 09:54 amount of animals or a species an area can support without environmental degradation Carrying Capacity 1 of 10 the action of clearing a wide area of trees Deforestation 2 of 10 when water first enters the soil or rock from ground Infiltration 3 of 10 practice of growing 2 or more crops in the same piece of land in different growing seasons- form of polyculture Multicropping 4 of 10 length of time a compound stays in the environment, once introduced Persistence 5 of 10 when livestock graze so heavily that the vegetation is damaged and the ground becomes liable to erosion Overgrazing 6 of 10 cultivation in which different crops are sown in alternate strips to prevent soil erosion ***** Cropping 7 of 10 the preparation of land for growing crops Tillage 8 of 10 the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area Topography 9 of 10 designed as a method to predict average annual soil loss caused by sheet and rill erosion USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) 10 of 10
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