The belief that humans are the most important form of existence, more important than plants and animals.
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Where humans are the most important thing to consider in the environment.
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To say humans have intrinsic value means they're the most essential thing to consider in any situation.
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The belief all life forms have intrinsic value.
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Instrumental value
If something is considered useful to humans in this theory then it has instrumental value.
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Philosophy that you should be in harmony with all nature.
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Ecological extension (eco-holism)
Belief that all ecosystems and living things are dependants.
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Shallow Ecology
Things should be preserved only if they are directly useful to humans.
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Deep Ecology
Is concerned with the richness, diversity and intrinsic value of all the natural world.
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The Gaia Hypothesis
The world's physical properties and biosphere join together to form a complex interacting system. The idea comes from the Greek Goddess of the earth, who was believed to be intrinsically part of the planet.
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The intolerance and discrimination of species.
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The mutually beneficial relationship between 2 things where they are dependent on each other.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Where humans are the most important thing to consider in the environment.
Card 3
To say humans have intrinsic value means they're the most essential thing to consider in any situation.
Card 4
The belief all life forms have intrinsic value.
Card 5
If something is considered useful to humans in this theory then it has instrumental value.
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