The change in populations over many generations due to a process that eliminates those individuals that are less likely to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.
1 of 15
What are Tinbergen's 4 whys?
Function: What effect does a behaviour have on an individuals survival? Mechanism: What factors make an animal behave in a particular way? Development: Why did the animal develop such a behaviour? Evolution: Why has the behaviour evolved?
2 of 15
What is Imprinting?
A form of learning involved in the development of a species-specific pattern of behaviour that occurs during a critical period. Has a large innate component.
3 of 15
What is Recirprocal Altruism?
Behaviour that benefits others in the species at cost to the individual with the notion that the behaviour would be returned at a later date.
4 of 15
What is an ESS?
Evolutionary Stable Strategy.
5 of 15
What are 3 Population Principles?
Density. Demography, Dispersion.
6 of 15
Name 3 Population Dispersion Patterns.
Random. Uniform. Clumped.
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What are the factors preventing indefinite population expansion?
Limited resources. Predation. Disease.
8 of 15
Name 4 types of Species Interaction.
Predation. Competition. Commensalism. Mutualism.
9 of 15
What is Coevolution?
The process by which two or more species of organisms influence each others evolutionary pathway.
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What is Batesian Mimicry?
The mimicry of an unpalatable species (the model) by a palatable one (the mimic).
11 of 15
What is a Keystone Species?
A species within a community that has a role out of proportion to its abundance.
12 of 15
Name 2 Biodiversity Indices.
Simpson's Index. Shannon-Weiner Index.
13 of 15
What is Ecological Succession?
The gradual and continuous change in species composition and community structure over time.
14 of 15
What are 2 determinants of number of species on a new island?
Size of the island. Distance of the island from the mainland.
15 of 15
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are Tinbergen's 4 whys?
Function: What effect does a behaviour have on an individuals survival? Mechanism: What factors make an animal behave in a particular way? Development: Why did the animal develop such a behaviour? Evolution: Why has the behaviour evolved?
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