
Carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin and primidone all belong in which category of anti-epiletic medications?
Category 1
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It is advised that patients on category 1 anti-epileptic drugs should be maintained on the same manufacturer brand of the drug.
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Name 3 category 2 anti-epileptics.
3 of 23
The need for maintaining manufacturer product for category 2 anti-epileptics should be based on ________ _________.
Clinical judgement
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Why is it usually unnecessary for category 3 anti-epileptics to be maintained on the same manufacturers brand?
Therapeutic equivalence is assumed
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Name 3 category 3 anti-epileptic drugs.
Levetiracetam, brivarecetam, pregabalin, gabapentin, lacosamide, ethosuxamide, vigabatrin
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What is the rare but potentially fatal syndrome that can be caused by some anti-epileptic medication?
Anti-epileptic hypersensitivity syndrome
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What are the most common symptoms of this condition?
Lymphadenopathy (swollen lymphnodes - around ear and neck)
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How long after the patient has been seizure-free will there be assessment to consider withdrawal of
After 2 years
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Which 2 classes of drugs can cause severe rebound seizures if withdrawn abruptly?
Barbiturates and benzodiazepenes
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How long should a patient not drive for after their first seizure?
6 months then assess
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Which anti-epileptic in particular has a high risk of teratogenicity?
Sodium valproate
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Women of childbearing potential should be enrolled in which programme when taking sodium valproate?
Pregnancy Prevention Programme (PPP)
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How often should the PPP risk form be reviewed?
At least every 12 months
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What is the neurological condition called that is life-long, life-limiting and encompasses treatment-resistant epilepsy, intellectual disabilities and a spectrum of associated co-morbidities?
Dravet Syndrome
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What is the difference between Dravet Syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome?
Dravet Syndrome is a genetic disorder whereas Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome has many etiologies
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Sodium valproate should be considered 1st line in only male patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. True/False?
ALL patients should be offered this 1st line despite gender due to the severity of the condition and lack of evidence for other ant-epileptics as 1st line options
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What should all patients with epilepsy have in place in case of repeated/prolonged seizures or status epilepticus?
Emergency management plan
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Explain what these are.
Repeated seizure - 3 or more self-terminating seizures in 24hrs
Prolonged seizure - seizure that lasts 2 mins longer than usual seizure
Status epilepticus - seizure lasting longer than 5 mins
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What is the treatment for febrile convulsions?
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MOA of which drugs? - Inhibits neuronal sodium channels
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Sodium valproate works by inhibiting GABA transaminase which increases levels of inhibitory/excitatory neurotransmitter GABA and also blocks voltage gated _____ channels.
22 of 23
Sodium valproate, lamotrigine, phenytoin and carbamazepine can all be used in which other condition aside from epilepsy?
Bipolar disorder
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


It is advised that patients on category 1 anti-epileptic drugs should be maintained on the same manufacturer brand of the drug.



Card 3


Name 3 category 2 anti-epileptics.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The need for maintaining manufacturer product for category 2 anti-epileptics should be based on ________ _________.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why is it usually unnecessary for category 3 anti-epileptics to be maintained on the same manufacturers brand?


Preview of the front of card 5
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