Equality & Diversity - common mistakes

  • Created by: jiyah
  • Created on: 09-05-22 12:27
LO1: is 'treating everyone the same is promoting equality' correct?, if not how should it be correctly phrased?
'People should be treated to their individual needs. This may mean they need to be treated differently, for example an adult with a physical disability might need help to eat'
1 of 11
LO1: difference between choice and consultation?
Choice = selecting options you have been provided
Consultation = discussing the possible options you have been given
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LO1: difference between rights and values of care?
Rights = are what individuals are entitled to
Values of care = are the principles that should be followed by care workers
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LO1: what do advocates do for individuals?
- they do not 'speak for' someone
Advocates represent the preferences of an individual and speak on their behalf.
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LO1: what are 2 key words you should mention when identifying the values of health and social care?
'Promoting' and 'Maintaining'
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LO2: Difference between indirect and direct discrimination? + effects of discrimination?
Direct = is intentional, e.g calling someone racist names
Indirect = may be unintended or accidental, e.g a job advert stating men must be clean shaven, indirect religious discrimination
Effects = Physical (bullying - bruises), Emotional (fear, stress), I
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LO3: Children's Act or Children Act
the Children Act
- always include 'act'
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LO3: What to include when answering about the Care Certificate?
Give examples of the benefits for care workers completing and employing those with the Care Certificate
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LO3: Main roles of the CQC and NICE:
CQC = to inspect health and social care settings
NICE = to assess new drugs and treatments and check if they're cost-effective for the NHS
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LO4: What else to add after giving the best practice example?
E.g if 'Training' was said, then what types of training? Why is this beneficial? expand.
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LO4: giving vague answers when asked for an example of challenging discriminatory practices? is this correct?
No, need to give specific reasons why you have chosen the action and explain how it will impact the individual's behaviour e.g ‘challenging discriminatory comments at the time as this will ensure the discrimination is addressed immediately. It will also p
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


LO1: difference between choice and consultation?


Choice = selecting options you have been provided
Consultation = discussing the possible options you have been given

Card 3


LO1: difference between rights and values of care?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


LO1: what do advocates do for individuals?
- they do not 'speak for' someone


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


LO1: what are 2 key words you should mention when identifying the values of health and social care?


Preview of the front of card 5
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