Equality and Health and Wellbeing
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- Created by: Ellen122
- Created on: 11-03-21 20:32
Equality and Human Rights
Main principle of WHO and the Welsh government believe in is the highest possible standard of health is one of the basic rights of every human being, each of whom has different personal characteristic
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Equality Act 2010
Identifies aspects of our identity, or personal characteristics that are protected from discrimination
These are: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orien
These are: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orien
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Social Services and Wellbeing Act 2014 (Wales) Part 2
Local authorities must work in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Conventions
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United Nations Conventions
Disabled people = choices equal to others, live independtly, and be included in the community
Children = right to the best possible health
Older people = access to family, community and healthcare enable them to regain or maintian maximum physical, mental
Children = right to the best possible health
Older people = access to family, community and healthcare enable them to regain or maintian maximum physical, mental
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National Outcomes Framework
Provides a consistent approach to measuring well-being across Wales with consultants from people who use care and support services. If national outcomes are being promoted and met, this will contribute to a full and fulfilled life
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Componens of National Outcomes Framework
8 definitions of well-being relating to different aspects of a person's life
Well-being outcomes summarise how a person who needs care and support and a carer who needs support might think or feel about life if their well-being is being met
Indicators ena
Well-being outcomes summarise how a person who needs care and support and a carer who needs support might think or feel about life if their well-being is being met
Indicators ena
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Physical Well-being
'I am healthy and active and do things to keep myself healthy'
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I am Healthy
Diet/nutrition, hydration, eye health, oral health, sleep, healthy weight, confidence, foot care, muscle and bone development/health, and coordination
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I am Active
Physical activity, sports, leisure, play, music, arts, outdoor experiences, daily tasks, social events, social networks, learning activities and routines
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I do Things to Keep Myself Healthy
Oral hygiene/dental care, personal hygiene, eyesight tests, consistent mealtimes, sleep routines, immunisations, quiet time/relaxation, medication, screening/health checks, lifestyle checks , lifestyle choices e.g. smoking and eating 5 fruit or vegetables
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How are Physical Well-being Measured?
The Welsh Government has developed national outcome indicators such as 'Percentage of children who recieve care and support with up-to-date immunisations'
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Where is the Data Drawn From on Physical Well-being?
The Welsh Government will draw its data o measure this from the Children Receiving Care and Support Census
Information will be taken from children who have a care and suppot plan in place at local authority
Information will be taken from children who have a care and suppot plan in place at local authority
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Mental and Emotional Well-being
'I am happy and do the things that make me happy'
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I am Happy
Self-esteem, emotional intelligence self-identity, safety, positive/stable mood, trust, attachments, spirituality, uniqueness, belongin, resilience, and absence of mental problems causing unhappiness
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I do Things that Make me Happy
Outcome focues care, what individuals can do, meaningful and enjoyable experiences and activities, family, friends, social networks, learning, support, work, social media and technologym positive risk taking, and what matters to me
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How is Mental and Emotional Well-being Measured?
The Welsh Government has developed national outcome indicators such as 'Percentage of people with high happiness scores'
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Where is the Data Drawn From on Mental and Emotional Well-being Measured?
The Welsh Government will draw its data to measure this from the National Survey for Wales
Informaion will be taken from people who have received care and support and carers who have recieved support, aged 16 and over across Wales
Informaion will be taken from people who have received care and support and carers who have recieved support, aged 16 and over across Wales
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Physical and Mental Health and Emotional Well-being
'I get the right care and support, as early as possible'
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I get the Right Care and Support (e.g. Intellectual, Social and Behavioural Development)
Active participation, equality, diversity, culture, religion, speech, language and communication, Welsh language, rights, choices, support plans and care and support plans, child- and person-centred approaches, partnerships, information and advice
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This is Delivered as Early as Possible
Early intervention, prevention, communication, reporting concerns, observing changes, significant, life transitions and events, assistive technology, joined-up information, advice and assistance services
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How is Getting the Right Care and Support Measured?
The Welsh Government has developed national outcome indicators such as 'Percentage of children receiving care and support with mental health problems
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Where is the Data Drawn From for Getting the Right Care and Support?
The Welsh Government will draw its data to measure this from the Children Receiving Care and Support Census
Information will be taken from children with a care and support plan at local authority
Information will be taken from children with a care and support plan at local authority
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Domestic, Family, and Personal Relationships
'I belong'
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I Belong
Feeling part of a local community (as determined by an individual), avoiding isolation and loneliness, and positive friendships/relationships networks
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I Contribute to and Enjoy Safe and Healthy Relationships
Respect, dignity, privacy, self-value, self-esteem, supporting others and being supported, and life events
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How is Feeling of Belonging Measured?
The Welsh Government has developed national outcome indicators such as 'Percentage of people who feel they belong to their local area'
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Where is Data Drawn From for the Feeling of Belonging?
The Welsh Government will draw its data to measure this from the National Survey for Wales
Information will be taken from people who have received care and support and carers who have received support, aged 16 and over across Wales
Information will be taken from people who have received care and support and carers who have received support, aged 16 and over across Wales
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Social and Economic Well-being
'I do not live in poverty'
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I Contribute Towards my Social Life and can be with the People I Choose
Family, carer, friends, soical networks, social cohesion, inclusion, community, befriending services, volunteering, and social engagement
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I do not Live in Poverty
Deprivation, households of material deprivation, fuel poverty, inequality, injustice, Universal Credit, benefits, hours of work, childcare, pay, income, housing, homelessness, health and social care
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I am Supported to Work
Barriers to employment, protected characteristics, education, training, work-based learing, NEET (not in education, employment or training), transport, mentorship, enterprise/starting a business, childcare, inclusion, and social enterprise
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I get the Help I need to Grow up and be Independent
Support for parents, childhood development, child poverty, adverse childhood experiences, post-16 education, early intervention, prevention, free school meals, additinal learning needs, looked-after children, partnership working and advice
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I get Care and Support Through the Welsh Language if I want it
Advice Offer, early years provision/nursery groups, education, langauge transmission in the family, Welsh for adults, workplace, services, Welsh language, technologies, bilingualism, culture and media
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How is Not Living in Poverty Measured?
The Welsh Government has developed national outcome indicators such as 'The gap in healthy life expectancy between least and most deprived.
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Where is the Data Drawn From for Not Living in Poverty?
The Welsh Government will draw its data to measure this from the Office for National Statistics and the Welsh index of Multiple Deprivation
Information will be taken from people on all Wales lv
Information will be taken from people on all Wales lv
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Education, Training and Recreation
'I can learn and develop to my full potential'
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I can Learn and Develop to my Full Potential
Access to formal/informal/online/community learning, education, training, employment, intellectural and emotional development, additional learning needs, life transitions, inclusion, positive environments for learning
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I do the Things That Matter to me
Independence, fulfilling ambitions, developing skills, knowledge, abilities, confidence, social networks, outcome focused approaches, preferences, and rights-based approaches
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How is Learning and Developing to one's Full Potential Measured?
The Welsh Government has developed national outcome indicators such as 'School attendence rates of children who receive care and support'
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Where is the Data Drawn from for Learning and Developing?
The Welsh Governemtn will draw its data to measure this from the Wales Children Receiving Care and Support Census. Information will be taken from children with a care and support plan in place within a specific year at local authority level
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Contribution Made to Society
'I engage and contribute to my community'
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I engage and contribute to my community
Co-production, forums, volunteering, user-led services, disability services, and self advocacy groups
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I Feel Valued in Society
Self-worth, self-esteem, personal growth, recognition, achievement, self-identity, positive relationships and sense of security and belonging
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How is Engagement and Contribution to the Community Measured?
The Welsh Government has developed national outcomes indicators such as 'Percentage of people who volunteer'.
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Where is the Data Drawn from for Engagement and Contribution?
The Welsh Government will draw its data to measure this from the National Survey for Wales. Information will be taken from people who have recieved care and support and carers who have recieved support, aged 16 and over across Wales
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Securing Rights and Entitlements (Control over Day to Day Life)
'My voice is heard and listened to'
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I Know and Understand what Care, Support, and Opportunities are Available and use these to Help me Achieve my Well-being
Active participation, choices, positive risk taking, relationship-centred approaches, health promotion, empowerment, and empathy
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I can Access the Right Information when I need it, in the Way I want it, and use this to Manage and Improve my Well-being
Communication and language needs, information in different formals e.g. easy read, early access, involvement, contemporary knowledge and trust
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I am Treated with Dignity and Respect and Treat Others the Same
Rigghts-based approaches, child-centred approaches, person-centred approaches, consent, inclusion, positive approaches, safeguarding and behaviour that challenges
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My Voice is Heard and Listened to
Co-production, voice and control, what matters to me, rights and responsibilities, active listening, assistive technology, concerns and complaints, authenticity, mutual respect and empathy
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My Individual Circumstances are Considered
Equality, diversity, culture, religion, history, background, language, Welsh language, career, experiences, beliefs, family, community and networks
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I Speak for Myself and Contribute to the Decisions that Affect my Life, or have Someone who can do it for
Self-advocacy, advocacy, communication in one's own way, expression of feelings, daily routines and activites, support plans and care and support plans, outcome-focues approaches, and prevention
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How is 'Voices being Heard and Listened to' Measured?
The Welsh Governement has developed national outcome indicators such as 'Percentage of people who felt involved in decisions about their care and support'
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Where is Data Drawn from for Voices being Heard and Listened to?
The Welsh Government will draw its data to measure this from the National Survery for Wales. Information will be taken from people who have received care and support and carers who have recieved support, aged 16 and over across Wales
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Suitability of Living Accomodation
'I live in a home that best supports me to achieve my well-being'
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I live in a home that best supports me to achieve my well-being
Living with family, sheltered housing/extra care, independent living, shared accommodation, supported living, support with homelessness, care and support plans, tenancy support, domiciliary care, outreach work, care homes, residential childcare, housing a
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How is 'being in a home that best supports the achievement of well-being' measured
The Welsh Government has developed national outcome indicators such as 'Percentage of homeless households which include dependent children'
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Where is Data Drawn from for Being in a Home that Best Supports the Achievement of Well-being Measured?
The Welsh Government will draw its data from local authority homelessness data collections. Information will be taken from households accepted as homeles in Wales, at local authority level
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Equality Act 2010
Identifies aspects of our identity, or personal characteristics that are protected from discrimination
These are: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orien
These are: age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orien
Card 3
Social Services and Wellbeing Act 2014 (Wales) Part 2
Card 4
United Nations Conventions
Card 5
National Outcomes Framework
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