Equality Diversity and Rights - Legislation

What year was the Care Act passed?
1 of 15
What year was the Health and Social Care Act passed?
2 of 15
What year was The Equality Act passed?
3 of 15
What year was The Mental Capacity Act passed?
4 of 15
What year was The Children Act passed?
5 of 15
What year was The Data Protection Act passed?
6 of 15
What are the key aspects of the Care Act? Part 1
*Duty on local authorities to promote an individual's wellbeing when making a decision about them. *Continuity of care must be provided if someone moves elsewhere. *Duty on local authorities to carry out child's needs assessments.
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What are the key aspects of the Care Act? Part 2
*Independant advocate to be available in case of assessment, planning or a review. *Adult safeguarding. *LA must guarantee preventative service to help reduce development of care.
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What are the key aspects of the Equality Act? Part 1
*Direct/indirect discrimination on protected characteristics illegal. *Prohibits discrimination in education, employment, etc. *Cover victimisation and harrassment (PC). *Reasonable adjustments made (ramps, lifts). *Women breastfeed in public.
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What are the key aspects of the Equality Act? Part 2
Protects carers of people with protected characteristics from discrimination. *Pay secrecy laws now illegal.
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What are the key aspects of the Health and Social Care Act?
*No decision about me without me. *Health and wellbeing boards tackle inequalities and promtoe joint working. *Increased focus on prevention. *Healthwatch aims to communicate the needs of health services users.
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What are the principles of the Mental capacity act?
*Every adult must be presumed to have full capacity unless proved otherwise. *Supported to make their own decisions. *Right to make what others view as unwise. *Decisions made on behalf of lacking capacity = best interest. Least restrictive on right
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What are the key aspects of the Children Act?
*Protect children at risk. *Childs needs come first. *Right to be consulted. *Right to an advocate. *Encourages partnership working. *children's commisioner and safeguarding board protect their needs.
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What are the key aspects of the Data Protection Act? Part 1
*Processed fairly and lawfully. *Information collected only with individual's permission. *used only for intended purpose. *Adequate and relevant but not excessive. *Accurate and kept up to date. *Kept for no longer than necessary.
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What are the key aspects of the Data Protection Act? Part 2
*Processed in line with rights. *Secure so no one unauthorised has access to it. *No transfer to other countries.
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Card 2


What year was the Health and Social Care Act passed?



Card 3


What year was The Equality Act passed?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What year was The Mental Capacity Act passed?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What year was The Children Act passed?


Preview of the front of card 5
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