Establsihing communist control
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- Created by: tgrev
- Created on: 01-05-17 12:44
What did the provisional government promise
Civil liberties such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of assembly
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What was Lenin's popular slogan
Peace Land Bread
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How did Lenin create a soviet state
Following the coup, power was formally handed power to the all Russian congress of soviets, which contained local representatives. The soviets played key roles in governing Russia form Feb 1917 until October
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What was sovnarkom
Essentially the Russian cabinet, containing 13 of the peoples commissars all who are close allies of Lenin and supported him for a long time with the exception of Trotsky
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Name 3 of Lenin's early decrees
1. Decree of land gave peasants the ability to seize land from the church and nobility 2. The decree of peace committed the new govt to withdrawal from WW1 3. The workers decree established a maximum 8 hour working day
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How did the decrees give Lenin power
They gave him and the regime support from workers, peasants and soldiers. They also gave Lenin "breathing space" to start building comm govt
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How was Sovnarkom weak at first
Bolshevik power was not recognised nationwide which led to refusals from the army and bank, very disorganised
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3 reasons why there was broad based support for the Comm govr
1. Clear evidence of genuine democracy in the popularity of the decrees and use of soviet 2. Support based off teh hope for a coalition between all major socialist parties in Russia 3. Support derived from the workers in Petrograd
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How did Lenin go against democracy with the constituent assembly in 1918
He closed it by force as the result gave a Bolshevik minority after claiming the vote was false
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How did Lenin go against democracy with disregarding the soviets
Signing Brest Litovsk agaisnt the Soviets will gave territory to central powers and was unpopular. Mensheviks and Sr's were expelled from the party due to opposing policy
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What was the impact of the civil war on teh government
Increasingly centralised and increasing power of the communist party
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3 ways of centralisation Lenin used to ensure victory
1. Economic centralisation through the NEP 2. Political centralisation through working through the nomenklatura rather then the soviets 3. Army centralised under Trotsky using authoritarian methods
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2 signs of the emergence of a party state
1. CIvil war lead to the creation of the Politvuro as decisions had to be made quickly, this meant sovnarkom was a rubber stamp for policy of the politburo. Politburo full of the closest allies of Lenin.
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What was the red terror
Creation of teh Cheka in 1917 was authorised to suppress anti-comm activity, they were willing to use excessive force, Church leaders impaled, Oryol ice sculptures, routine **** of women
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How did Lenin reform the red army
He removed the democratisation implemented by the Prov govt and introduced an authoritarian style commanded by Trotsky. Created outrage amongst idealists but Red army became very effective force
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2 examples of popular unrest
1. Tambov rebellion lead by Antonov agaisnt CHeka requisitioning grain 2. Kronstadt sailors demanding civil liberties, abolition of the cheka, "soviets without communists". Both crushed with force, imprisonment or exile
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How did Lenin create a 1 party state
By authorising the cheka to destroy other politicla parties -> 22 SR leaders exiled or imprisoned, key leader of the mensheviks arrested and sent to a labour camp
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Which 2 reforms did Lenin introduce at 1921 party congress
Introduction of the NEP, Ban of factions
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How did Stalin transform the party by 1928
Removed authority of contenders, created ideological orthodoxy, created the patronage system, changed the nature of party membership
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Who formed the triumvirate of 1923-25
Zinoviev, Kamanev and Stalin
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Who formed the duumvirate of 1925-28
Stalin and Bukharin
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How did Stalin create ideological orthodoxy
Denounced the ideas of opponents as anti-Leninist, advocated his ideas of socialism in one country and industrialisation & collectivisation
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How did he undermine the authority of contenders
By establishing and ideological orthodoxy, demanding that Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamanev to apologise to the party for the errors that lost them votes, accused Bukharin Zinoviev and Kamanev of forming a faction
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How did he change the nature of party membership
Created the Lenin enrolment system in 1924 which hired 128,000 to the party who were loyal to Stalin due to his position as general secretary and Rabkrin giving him powers of dismissal / promotion. They were suspicious of the intellectuals
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How did opposition cause the purges
Moderates headed by Kirov successfully defended a critic of Stalin and saved his life -> challenging authority, Kirov and the moderates argued for more realistic plans of teh 2nd FYP
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How did economic problems create the purges
Seniors saw the problems with Stalins agricultural and industrial policies which undermined authority. Stalin accused workers for the failures of his policies, calling them wreckers and saboteurs
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How did the congress do victors cause the purges
It highlighted Kirov's superior popularity, as he was urged to stand against Stalin for General Secretary but refused after gaining 1255 votes compared to Stalins 927
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How did Kirov's murder cause the purges
Used for pretext for launching the terror, it allowed Stalin to use excessive force to protect his authority on the pretence of plot to overthrow the govt
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What were the 3 show trials
1. Trial of the 16, 1936 lead to the execution of Zinoviev and Kamanev and 14 supporters 2. Trial of the 17, 1937, lead to the execution and imprisonment of Trotsky's supporters 3. Trial of the 21, 1938 led to the execution of Bukharin and his allies
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What was the secret trial of tsarist generals
10 who had worked for Trotsky were executed as Stalin didn't trust them
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3 consequences of the great terror
1. Eliminated Stalin's rivals 2. Led to a new generation of loyal to Stalin coms 3. The NKVD became very powerful
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How did the WW2 lead to a change in relationship between party and state
Stalin could take leader of state role as well as party leader
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3 ways Stalin promoted effective government during WW2
1. He ended mass terror 2. He created the GKO, responsible for econ cord and military prod 3. State power grew, ministers made important decisions rather then party bosses
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How did Stalin encourage party-state competition and why
He appointed rival personnel to key positions ensured competition was not with Stalin, by shifting power from Politburo to GKO to Council of Ministers he ensured none grew more powerful then him
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What was the Leningrad Affair in 1949
Stalin launched a purge against the Leningrad party as hew was concerned at their growing independence form Moscow. Around 100 officials were shot and 2000 arrested or dismissed
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How and why did Lenin test loyalty
Imprisoned or sacked relatives of allies e.g Molotov wife arrested and imprisoned Molotov made no effort to stop or end the imprisonment
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What did K want to encourage after STalin
More humane form of communism, greater dynamism within the party and greater participation. He lacked coherent planning so plans never fully followed through
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How did Beria reform the MVD
In march 1953 he introduced amnesty for non political prisoners, it was extended to some counter-revs in april, A commission rehabilitated 4620 executed communists on forced confessions, MVD lost econ power from less Gulag labour
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How did Beria reform the republcis
He introduced a measure that required all senior positions to speak the language of the republic they work in, ordered that all official publications should be available in non-Russian languages
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How did Beria fall
K and Malenkov were suspicious he would use the MVD agaisnth them so organised to have him arrested and executed on the pretence of him being a spy for the british
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Why did K replace Stalin's supporters with his own
He secured his position within the party by filling the top levels of the party with those loyal to him
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What was K anti-bureaucracy campaign
Wanted to cut bureaucracy by devolving power to republic bases, he cut the number of ministries from 55-25, republics could exercise more economic power
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How did K begin de-stalinisation
began by ending the cult of personality and widespread use of terror, shifted focus from achievements of Stalin to achievements of the people
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What was the impact of the secret speech
K denounced the terror adn cult of stalin, announced the scale of his crimes and how lenin thought he was not fit for leadership, very shocking
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How did he end terror
Reviewed cases of political prisoners in 1955 4620 prisoners released, in 1956 it increased to 51,439 released.
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What were the problems of de-stalinisation
Republics such as Hungary and Poland began their own process. Led to the Hungarian uprising which was crushed by force Stalins crimes undermined the system
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Why did K retreat
De stalinisation had destabilised the govt and moderates accused him of reforming too quickly, newspapers were not permitted to write about Stalin's crimes and on a NYE speech he said " all comms are stalinist"
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Which 2 measures did K introduce to democratise
He allowed expansion of membership to increase participation from 6.9 mill to 11 mill in 1964 . He introduced fixed terms for senior comms to ensure they were replaced regularly. he abolished some central ministries to decentralised, lead to critism
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What were K' final reforms
At the 22nd party congress 1961 he introduced the restart of de-stalinisation, he accused Stalin of being involved in Kirov's murder. He introduced 16 year fixed term parliaments for central committee members. He split the party in 2 industry and agr
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K's fall
Political reform created discontent, economic reform failed to boost the econ, foreign policy was rash and dangerous
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What did Brez and Kosygin commit themselves to
They ensured that the 2 top jobs in govt were not occupied by the same person, they divided posts equally between their supporters, ensured people kept their jobs for long
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What was Stability of Cadres
Discouragement of promotion of demotion, few battles over patronage, replaced the limited terms of K which was unpopular
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How did Brez restore the party
Centralisation, Ended the split between agriculture and industry, Brezhnev constitution recognised the party's leading role in society
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What is gerontocracy
Little promotion (1964-71 2 people were promoted to Politburo), 80-90% kept their jobs from 1964-71 -> govt aged
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Why was gerontocracy bad
Generation gap didn't understand the generation they ruled, senior official s became ill, limited job opportunities, no incentives to work
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2 forms of corruption under Brez
Thriving black market, B's daughters boyf smuggled millions of pounds of diamonds intercontinetal
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Andropovs 3 main reforms
1. Abandoned stability of cadres 2. Small scale reform on labour discipline 3. Anti-corruption campaign attacked senior officials
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What was Lenin's popular slogan
Peace Land Bread
Card 3
How did Lenin create a soviet state
Card 4
What was sovnarkom
Card 5
Name 3 of Lenin's early decrees
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