Ethnicity and Gender 3
Ethnicity specifically
- Created by: Grace Lidgett
- Created on: 21-04-13 22:11
Other questions in this quiz
2. Which two parties want a point system towards immigration outside the EU?
- Conservatives and UKIP
- Labour and UKIP
- Labour and Liberal-Democrats
- Conservatives and Liberal-Democrats
3. Which party places an emphasis on immigrants speaking english?
- all the major parties
- Conservatives
4. What percentage of income support can asylum-seekers get?
- 70%
- 90%
- 100%
- 80%
5. What was Norman Tebbit's "cricket test"?
- which team someone supports during a cricket match is where their loyalties lie
- wherever someone is born is what team they can play for in cricket so they should stay there
- if you fail to appreciate the british culture of summer cricket then you cannot be clashed as british
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