Ethos, Logos, Pathos 0.0 / 5 ? English LanguageImaginative writingIGCSEEdexcel Created by: yxssxri_Created on: 01-06-21 20:15 Ethos The person delivering the message must be credible; trustworthy, likeable, knowledgeable, etc. (Is this person for me or against me?) 1 of 5 Logos The message must be logical and well presented; makes sense, facts and evidence, coherent structure. 2 of 5 Pathos The message touches the emotions; a compelling story, striking pictures, create anger or fear. 3 of 5 . . 4 of 5 . . 5 of 5
How does Alagiah present his relationship to the subject of the article, A Passage to Africa? 0.0 / 5
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