1)hard to recognise schizophrenia bc so many of the symptoms are shared with other disorders 2)family members recognise symptoms of attacks e.g. social withdrawal 3)support schizophrenic by encouraging independence & setting realistic goals for them
2 of 11
what would you include in the 'apply your psychological knowledge' section?
1)cultural variations in diagnosis 2)common misconceptions about schizophrenia 3)psychologists say it is not a disorder in its own right
3 of 11
extend upon 'cultural variations in diagnosis'
there are cultural variations in how schizophrenia is diagnosed: Cooper et al found that same symptoms results in schizophrenia diagnosis in USA but manic depression in UK
4 of 11
extend upon 'common misconceptions'
there are many common misconceptions about schizophrenia, primarily that it is the same as multiple personality disorder which is not true as people with MPD have two separate personalities and entities but schizophrenics retain their sense of self
5 of 11
extend upon 'criticism that it isn't a disorder in its own right'
many psychologists say that schizophrenia is just an umbrella term for symptoms that do not match other disorders
6 of 11
target audience of your evidence of practice?
families with a family member that has recently been diagnosed with schizophrenia
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aim of your evidence of practice?
to educate families about schizophrenia, to refute common misconceptions and to tell them how to support their schizophrenic family member
8 of 11
how did you gather your data?
typed into google 'schizophrenia support' and saw MIND.org which was a source i recognised to be reliable.
9 of 11
why did you make the design choices you did?
green font - calming effect as the topic of schizophrenia is likely to be distressing for the target audience. used pictures in order to retain interest of any children that may be reading the leaflet with their parents.
10 of 11
why did you make the content decisions you did?
included common misconceptions as family unlikely to be very knowledgeable about the disorder and may have only been informed about it by the media. included definition of schizophrenia and the symptoms for this reason too.
11 of 11
Other cards in this set
Card 2
outline the key issue
1)hard to recognise schizophrenia bc so many of the symptoms are shared with other disorders 2)family members recognise symptoms of attacks e.g. social withdrawal 3)support schizophrenic by encouraging independence & setting realistic goals for them
Card 3
what would you include in the 'apply your psychological knowledge' section?
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