
Population evolves when....
Individuals with different genotypes survive and reproduce at different rates
1 of 13
Factors other than natural selection which influence evolution?
Mutation, Gene flow, Bottleneck, Genetic drift, non random mating.
2 of 13
What is a mutation?
Change in nucleotide sequence in DNA (random)
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Define adaptation?
Favoured trait that evolves through natural selection
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What is genetic drift?
Random changes of allele frequency from one generation to the next which may cause large changes over time
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What is the bottleneck effect?
Due to environmental event population size is reduced. Reducing allele frequency
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What is non random mating/ sexual selection ?
Individuals choose specific member of the opposite sec to mate with
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What is intrasexual selection?
Improves the ability of individuals to compete for mates
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What is intersexual selection?
Makes individuals more attractive to opposite sex.
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What are the hard weinburg equilibrium factors?
Random mating, infinite population, no selection, no mutation and no gene flow
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What is sexual recombination?
Amplifies number of possible genotypes
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What are the advantages?
Repairs damages DNA, Eliminates mutation, creates variety of genetic combinations
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What are the disadvantages?
May break up adaptive gene combination. Reduces rate for female to pass on their genes.
13 of 13

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Card 2


Factors other than natural selection which influence evolution?


Mutation, Gene flow, Bottleneck, Genetic drift, non random mating.

Card 3


What is a mutation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Define adaptation?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is genetic drift?


Preview of the front of card 5
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