Exam Structure A summary of the exams 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureExam BasicsGCSEAQA Created by: Becky_strawberryCreated on: 26-02-19 08:06 How many exams are there? 2 1 of 19 How long do you have to complete Paper 1? 1 hour 45 minutes 2 of 19 How many marks is Paper 1 worth? 64 marks 3 of 19 What percentage of the GCSE does Paper 1 represent? 40% 4 of 19 What is the questions about in Section 1 on Paper 1? a Shakespeare play 5 of 19 What is the question about in Section 2 on Paper 1? an essay question on a 19th century novel 6 of 19 How long do you have to complete Paper 2? 2 hours 15 minutes 7 of 19 How many marks are available on Paper 2? 96 marks 8 of 19 What percentage of the GCSE does Paper 2 make up? 60% 9 of 19 How many sections are on Paper 2? three 10 of 19 What is the first section on Paper 2 about? a question asking about a modern text 11 of 19 What is Section B about on Paper 2? A poetry cluster 12 of 19 What is Section C asking about on Paper 2? Unseen Poetry 13 of 19 What do you have to do in Paper 2 Section C? analyse and compare the two unseen poems 14 of 19 For the first section in Paper 2, what are you asked to write? An essay 15 of 19 What is AO1? Give your own thoughts and opinions on the text and back up your interpretations using evidence from the text 16 of 19 What is AO2? Explain how the writers use language, structure and form, and what effect this has on the reader. Use technical terms to support your analysis 17 of 19 What is AO3? Show that you understand how the text relates to the context in which it was written or set 18 of 19 What is AO4? Use a range of sentence structures and vocab, so your writing is clear and effective. Write accurately, paying attention to SPaG 19 of 19
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