EXAM SECTION -Introduction Key Words

What is a Media Text?
In media, texts to any product of media such as television programme, film, newspaper, article, music etc.
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What are Media Industries?
The industries and businesses which produce, distribute and exhibit media texts.
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What is Media Saturation?
Term used to describe the extent to which our experience of the world is dominated by the media, not only at a individul level but also nationally and globally.
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Why is media not neutral or objective?
Everything we see and hear in media text is constructed and mediated: things have been selected and rejected.
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What is Media Construction?
The way the media put together texts for the audience. Elements will be constructed for the final text in a way that real life is not.
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What is Media Selection?
Process of choosinfg what to include or leave out of a media text.
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What is Media Mediation?
Process of editing and construction that the media texts have been exposed to befoe it is presented to the audience.
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What is a Polysemic Image?
Image that had more than one meaning.
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What is Anchorage?
Term to describe context of an image that fixes its meaning. This can be written text, captions or voice-overs that accompanies the media texts.
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What are Semiotics?
Study of signs. Everything means something to s and we can interpret the world around us because we understand and can decode the signs that we see/hear. Sings are often culturally specific.
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What are Codes?
Systems of signs which help produce meaning. Examining the technical, visual and audio codes that are used in media texts to create meaning for audiences.
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What are Denotations?
Sign/image/sound without any meaning attached to it.
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What are Connotations?
The meaning that the audience give to the sign/image/sound according to its context and cultural experiences of the audience. We interpret the connotations of what we are seeing and hearing.
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What is Media Form?
Type of media text or product. For instance a film is a audiivisual
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What is Media Form?
Type of media text or product. For instance a film is a audio-visual media form whereas magazine are two types of print media forms and websites
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What is Media Form?
Type of media text or product. For instance a film is a audio-visual media form whereas magazine are two types of print media forms and a website which is a new type of media form.
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What is Media Form?
Type of media text or product. For instance a film is a audio-visual media form whereas magazine are two types of print media forms and a website which is a new type of media form.
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Card 2


What are Media Industries?


The industries and businesses which produce, distribute and exhibit media texts.

Card 3


What is Media Saturation?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why is media not neutral or objective?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is Media Construction?


Preview of the front of card 5
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