Examples of the development of multiculturalism in the UK (Schools 2002-2008 ethnic composition)
- Created by: LivBarnes
- Created on: 28-02-17 14:20
Other questions in this quiz
2. BIRMINGHAM: Other percentage
- 33% (small percentage Chinese, Indian and Bangledeshi)
- 10% (small percentage Chinese, Indian and Bangledeshi)
- 15% (small percentage Chinese, Indian and Bangledeshi)
- 25% (small percentage Chinese, Indian and Bangledeshi)
3. BIRMINGHAM: Pakistani percentage 2002-2008
- 17% to 23%
- 17% to 19%
- 17% to 20%
- 17% to 22%
4. What did this reveal..
- South East of England is much more diverse than other areas such as North Yorkshire and Devon, where white percentage remains around 95%
- Correct answer: Bradford and Tower hamlets have evry diverse ethnic groupings which contribute high percentages eg:56% of Bangledeshi students in Tower Hamlets
5. DEVON; In devon there was an increase in the number of white students from 2002 from 90%, what did it increase to in 2008?
- 91%
- 93%
- 95%
- 98%
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