What sort of research took place after they discovered variations in maximum urine solute concentration?
Kidney physiology of different species and how desert animals are able to conserve water by producing concentrated urine
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What type of sections through the kidneys how significant differences between animal physiology?
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There is a positive correlation between...
The thickness of the medulla, the size of kidney and the need for water conservation
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Why does a thicker medulla correlate to a greater need for water conservation?
Allows longer loop of henle and collecting ducts to allow more water to be reabsorbed and more concentrated urine
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List these in ascending order of medulla size. Beaver, Steppe Lemming, Human
Beaver, human, steppe lemming
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The greater the medulla size...
The smaller the cortex
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What is used in the circulatory system of insects instead of blood?
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What is the circulatory system of insects?
Hemolymph is pumped by a vessel running from the abdomen, through the thorax to the head. Branches carry hemolymph to different areas where it is released to flow through tissues before being drawn back into the vessel for re-pumping
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What do the body cells do to the hemolymph?
Release waste products into it as they are bathed in it
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Where are the malpighian tubes?
Between the midgut and hindgut of the insect
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What are the malpighian tubes?
A ring of narrow blind-ended ducts
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What do cells in the tubule walls do?
Extract waste products from the hemolymph and pass them into the tubule lumen. Convert ammonia to uric acid and actively transport mineral ions into the tubule to allow osmosis and water to enter so it can drain to the hindgut
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What happens in the hindgut?
Solution in the malpighian tubes mixes with semi-digested food
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What happens in the rectum?
Mineral ions pumped out back into the hemolymph and water follows by osmosis
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The working together of malpighian tubes and rectum allows...
Prevention of dehydration and allows osmoregulation
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