Excretion 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyCommunication, Genomes and EnvironmentA2/A-levelOCR Created by: ShannonCreated on: 17-04-15 12:01 What is inside the kindey's? Cortex, Medulla and Pelvis 1 of 5 What does the pelvis lead to? The ureter 2 of 5 What happens in the ureter? Urine passes out of the kidney down the ureter to the bladder where is can be stored 3 of 5 What is the nephron? Tiny tubules in each kidney 4 of 5 What happens in the nephron? Starts in the cortex, where capiliaries from a knot called a glomerulus --> surrounded by the Bowman's capsule 5 of 5
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