Existence of God 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesChristianityA2/A-levelAQA Created by: BubbleblobCreated on: 08-05-19 23:03 Un-caused causer, Un-moved mover, Third way Cosmological 1 of 28 Who came up with the cosmological argument? Aquinas 2 of 28 Complexity, Regularity, Purpose Teleological 3 of 28 Who's watch? Paley 4 of 28 Infinite regress is possible- Cosmo Hume 5 of 28 You cannot analyse X into existence- Onto Hume 6 of 28 "A being that must and cannot not exist"- Cosmo Copleston 7 of 28 Not a Christian God. Hughes and - Cosmo Evans 8 of 28 Fallacy of composition- Cosmo Russell 9 of 28 "The universe is just there and that is all"- Russell Cosmological 10 of 28 God is outside the world, how can our rules affect him- Cosmo Kant 11 of 28 Proslogium 2+3 and the fool Ontological 12 of 28 "The fool says in his heart that there is no God" - Onto Psalms 13 of 28 "Supremely perfect being having all perfections"- Onto Descartes 14 of 28 No hill without a ____. no God that doesn't exist- Descartes Valley 15 of 28 "That which no greater can be conceived" Anselm 16 of 28 Who's Island? Gaunilo 17 of 28 Existence not a predicate- Thaler- Onto Kant 18 of 28 Chaos theory- Teleo Kant 19 of 28 Purpose is taking a long time to come about- Teleo Hume 20 of 28 If the premises are true, the conclusion is true- Onto Deductive 21 of 28 Prettyness has no purpose- Tennant- Teleo ____ Principle Aesthetic 22 of 28 Chaos theory- kant Teleological 23 of 28 Teleological is _______ God- Hume Anthropomorphising 24 of 28 Evolution- Teleo Darwin 25 of 28 Teleological and Cosmological is A_____ posteriori 26 of 28 Ontological argument is A_______ priori 27 of 28 "God is the sufficient reason"- Cosmo? Teleo Leibniz 28 of 28
Deductive arguments: Norman Malcolm - God's existence as necessary rather than just possible 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
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