Expansion: opportunities/challengers KEY PEOPLE 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryThe American West 1840-1895GCSEAQA Created by: miagracelongCreated on: 21-07-19 10:20 Plains Indians Also known as 'Native Americans' Nomadic group who lived on the Great Plains. Culture completely clashed with white Americans. 1 of 6 Mountain men First group to travel west. caught animals in Rocky Mountains to make fur hats/clothing. Also known - 'Fur trappers' 2 of 6 Mormons Religious group - believed they were God's chosen people. Against slavery, supported polygamy and proselytization. Faced persecution. 3 of 6 Joseph Smith Founded the Mormon religion. He was murdered in 1844. 4 of 6 Brigham Young Became leader of the Mormons in 1845. Made decision to take the Mormons to Salt Lake to escape persecution. 5 of 6 Gold miners/Fortyniners Miner who digs/pans for gold. Seeks wealth. Forty niners refers to those of the 1849 California Gold Rush. 6 of 6
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