this is measure through questionnaires with internal control at one end and external control at the other. Internal = have control over their actions and take responsibility. External = behaviour is controlled by fate/luck/external forces.
1 of 9
Resisting pressures to conform
Internal locus of control - study by Oliner and Oliner. Interviewed 2 groups of non-Jewish people in Nazi Germany. They compared 406 people who protected/rescued Jews to 126 who had not. Rescuers most likely to have internal locus of control
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Resisting pressures to conform
social support of ally - Asch variation - conformity dropped from 37% to 5% when one confederate gave the correct answer on all trials.
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Resisting pressures to conform
reactance - someone changes their views to a position opposite to that expected by the majority. Their freedom is threatened = reaction that is deliberately carrying out the limited behaviour
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who did a study on reactance?
bushman and stack - 2 groups, one with high levels of reactance, other with low levels. Both groups shown individual warning labels about films which were either worded aggressively or non aggressively.
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What did bushman and stack find?
they found that those with high reactance where more likely to want to watch the film with the more aggressive warning. There was little influence on the low reactance group
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Resisting pressures to obey
Internal locus of control - Elms and Milgram studied subsample of original Milgram study that didn't obey. These were more likely to have an internal locus of control.
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Resisting pressures to obey
Social support of ally- Milgram variation - 2 confederates rebelled - obedience dropped to 10%.
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Resisting pressures to obey
Situation - obedience less likely in a situation which is not highly valued and where the legitimacy of the authority figure can be questioned. Milgram variation - repeated study in run-down office building. Obedience fell from 65% to 48%
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Internal locus of control - study by Oliner and Oliner. Interviewed 2 groups of non-Jewish people in Nazi Germany. They compared 406 people who protected/rescued Jews to 126 who had not. Rescuers most likely to have internal locus of control
Resisting pressures to conform
Card 3
social support of ally - Asch variation - conformity dropped from 37% to 5% when one confederate gave the correct answer on all trials.
Card 4
reactance - someone changes their views to a position opposite to that expected by the majority. Their freedom is threatened = reaction that is deliberately carrying out the limited behaviour
Card 5
bushman and stack - 2 groups, one with high levels of reactance, other with low levels. Both groups shown individual warning labels about films which were either worded aggressively or non aggressively.
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