Exploiters pt 5 m 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyPracticalsUniversityNone Created by: TabithaCreated on: 20-03-15 20:55 How many nematodes per 100cm3 of grassland soil? Above 2000 1 of 21 What are entomopathogenic nematodes? Those that are parasitic on insects 2 of 21 Use of Entomopathogenic nematodes? Mass produced and sold as pest control 3 of 21 Example in which insect the nemotodes have multiplied in in the practical Galleria Mellonella (wax moth larvae) 4 of 21 How do Entomopathogenic nematodes use the larvae? Associated with bacteria held in its mouthparts (acting as vector), bacteria kills host larvae and then nematodes feed/multiply on insect cadavar 5 of 21 What determines the type of nematode? The mouth pats 6 of 21 Benefits of parasitic pest control Unlikely to become resistant as they are natural emenies and unharmful to environment 7 of 21 Define Parasitoids Uses and kills host in the end 8 of 21 Percentage of Hymenoptera that are parasitoids? about 50% 9 of 21 2 example of insect parasitoids Cotesia glomerata (butterfly larvae) and Aphelinus Abdomnalis (Aphid) 10 of 21 Information on Cotesia Glomerata - A biocontrol Same order as honey bees, search out caterpillers, lay eggs inside the larvae which develop inside without killing it, until they emerge fully grown 11 of 21 Information about the Mosquito (Latin, order, body structure) Culicidae, Order Diptera, 1 pair of wings, blood through Labium, compound eye 12 of 21 Information about the Flea (Latin, Order, body structure) Pulex irritans, Order Siphonaptera, similar to Mosquito, blood through labium, have lateral ocellus 13 of 21 How many parasitic plants are there? About 4000 from 20 families 14 of 21 Define Holo or Hemi parasite? Holo - No chlorophyll, completely parasitic, Hemi - Some degree photosynthetic 15 of 21 Obligate or Facultative parasite? Obligate - can't complete life cycle without host, Facultative, host independent but prefered 16 of 21 Stem or Root Parasite? Attach to stem or Root 17 of 21 Whats a haustorium? Modified root that penetrates host 18 of 21 3 examples of parasite plants Dodder Root parasite (Cuscuta Eurpeae), Rafflesia Arnoldii Holoparasite,Mistletoe (Viscum album) Stem hemi parasite 19 of 21 Example and Explanation of key species Mistletoe (Viscum album) - a group whose impact on ecosystem is dis-proportionally large compared to its abundance 20 of 21 Percentage of flowering plants that are parasitic? 1% 21 of 21
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