
  • Created by: Keaton
  • Created on: 02-01-18 14:59
Who wrote exposure?
Wilfred owen
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What inspired him to write exposure?
Wilfred Owen fought in the war, he saw the weather as the enemy and he believed it to be pointless,, so he wrote the poem Exposure.
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What does the title mean?
Exposure means to reveal the true nature of someone or something and it also shows their vulnerability - reflecting the poem.
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What was the poets purpose?
Wilfred Owen wanted to tell the world what war was really like - he wanted to expose its truth: He had a sense of injustice about the way the soldiers were being treated. Owen would have hoped to change peoples views on war and hopefully stop it.
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What is the poem about?
The poem offers an in depth view of life in the frosted winter. But Owen focuses on the misery felt by soldiers in World War 1.
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What is the context of the poem?
In the southern France, soldiers were left exposed to the extreme weather.
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What inspired him to write exposure?


Wilfred Owen fought in the war, he saw the weather as the enemy and he believed it to be pointless,, so he wrote the poem Exposure.

Card 3


What does the title mean?


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What was the poets purpose?


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