French revolution. Lead way to major political change in France. Acts as a catalyst for other European nations to reform
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What happened in the year 1790s
Food shortages and hardship in Britain - in relation to the Napoleonic wars
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What happened in the year 1791?
'Rights of Man' (Thomas Paine) influences radical political groups and activities
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What happened in the year 1815?
Napoleonic wars end. More economic problems. People are getting angry and demanding reforms in Britain
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What happened in the year 1819?
'Peterloo Massacre', government repress large political groups that gathered in Manchester. Not the first time protesters and the authorities had clashed
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Main background & Extra-parliamentary protest points (1)
Only the aristocratic were allowed to vote (1780).
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Main background & Extra-parliamentary protest points (2)
Monarchy ruled over government despite the GLORIOUS REVOLUTION(1688) which had the monarchy agreeing to respect parliament and not interfere in their politics.
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Main background & Extra-parliamentary protest points (3)
Lots of aristocrats in parliament- so parliament continued to listen to monarchy. Less attempts were made to democratise and widen British politics in late 19th century
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What was the impact of the 1789 French Revolution on Britain? (1)
After the FR, British elite were worried.
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What was the impact of the 1789 French Revolution on Britain? (2)
Demands for political change & equality were to spread fast e.g. France.
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What was the impact of the 1789 French Revolution on Britain? (3)
People challenging 'divine right'.
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What was the impact of the 1789 French Revolution on Britain? (4)
Some politicians accepted parliamentary reform was needed. More wait = Social/political unrest
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What issues needed to be dealt with? (1)
Extension of the right to vote (no women & 10% of men were allowed-linked to status).
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What issues needed to be dealt with? (2)
Unequal distribution of seats.
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What issues needed to be dealt with? (3)
'Rotten boroughs' areas which had MPs with little voters living in them.
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What issues needed to be dealt with? (4)
High levels of working class poverty, shortage of basic food, grain
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What were the two main option facing the British authorities in how to respond to demands for political reform?
Comply or Repress
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Was a chance of a revolution possible?
Yes. The topic was discussed within the elite
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How could the government prevent a revolution starting?
Have to be more flexible and make a few changes, if not then more repression would be used.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What happened in the year 1790s
Food shortages and hardship in Britain - in relation to the Napoleonic wars
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