F211 OCR Biology Crossword 4.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? BiologyASOCR Created by: EllieCreated on: 15-05-13 12:01 magnification = image size / ? Actual size 1 of 20 The ability to see 2 points separately Resolution 2 of 20 Fibres which keep a cell's shape and provide a framework Cytoskeleton 3 of 20 Receives and modifies proteins Golgi 4 of 20 Cells which have a nucleus Eukaryotic 5 of 20 cell membranes are ........ permeable membranes Partially 6 of 20 Shows the compounds found in a membrane Fluid Mosaic Model 7 of 20 Steriods which give membranes stability Choleterol 8 of 20 Net movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of lower concentration Diffusion 9 of 20 Division which results in two identical daughter cells Mitosis 10 of 20 Daughter cells are ............................ Haploid 11 of 20 Groups of cells which perform a similar function Tissues 12 of 20 Cell with lots of chloroplasts in it Palisade Mesophyll 13 of 20 Cell which differentiate into others in a plant Meristem 14 of 20 Vessel which carries water in a plant xylem 15 of 20 Vessel which carries sugars in a plant Phloem 16 of 20 Internal structures within a cell Organelles 17 of 20 Alternative name for flagella Undulipoda 18 of 20 Organelle which generates ATP Mitochondrion 19 of 20 Process of secreting materials from the cells Exocytosis 20 of 20