What does the front belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle do?
Elevates eyebrows, wrinkles skin on forehead and protracts the scalp to indicate surprise or curiosity
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What does the occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle do?
Retracts the scalp
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What does the orbital sphincter do?
Closes eyelids
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What does the corrugator supercilii muscle do?
Draws eyebrows medially and inferiorly to create vertical wrinkles above the nose
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What does the procerus muscle do?
Pulls the part of the skin between the eyebrows downwards which assists in the flaring of the nostrils
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What does the oral sphincter do?
Pouts lips
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What does the levator labii superioris muscle do?
Elevates or everts the upper lip and deepens the nasolabial sulcus
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What does the zygomaticus minor muscle do?
Elevates or everts the upper lip and deepens the nasolabial sulcus
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What does the zygomaticus major muscle do?
Elevates the labial commissure bilaterally to smile and unilaterally to sneer
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What does the levator anguli oris muscle do?
Widens oral fissure as when grinning or grimacing
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What does the risorius muscle do?
Depresses labial commissure bilaterally to frown and pulls the angle of the mouth backward to smile
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What does the depressor anguli oris muscle do?
Depresses labial commisure bilaterally to frown
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What does the depressor labii inferioris muscle do?
Depresses or everts the lower lip
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What does the mentalis muscle do?
Elevates and protrudes the lower lip and elevates the skin of the chin
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What does the platysma muscle do?
Depresses the mandible and tenses the skin of the inferior face and neck
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What does the masseter do?
It is a muscle of mastication that, during bilateral contraction, elevates the mandible, as occurs during the closing of the jaws.
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What is the masseter innervated by?
The third branch of the trigeminal nerve
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What is the temporalis muscle and where is it?
A broad, fan-shaped muscle of mastication which fills the tempral fossa and lies superior to the zygomatic arch so it covers much of the temporal bone.
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What is the primary function of the lateral pterygoid?
To pull the head of the condyle out of the mandibular fossa, along the articular eminence to protrude the mandible.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What does the front belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle do?
Elevates eyebrows, wrinkles skin on forehead and protracts the scalp to indicate surprise or curiosity
Card 3
What does the occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle do?
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