Light intensity, carbon dioxide concentration and temperature
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How does light intensity affect photosynthesis?
Light is the energy source, as it increases, more ATP and NADPH is produced at a higher rate (more photons exciting electrons)
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How does carbon dioxide concentration affect photosynthesis?
CO2 is the source of carbon in the calvin cycle, increasing CO2 concentration increases the rate of carbon fixation (carboxylation) therefore increasing the rate of TP production.
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How does temperature affect photosynthesis?
Affects the enzyme-controlled reactions, as temp increases, there is more kinetic energy so more enzyme-substrate complexes formed, too high of a temp can denature them (protein structure changes)
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What is also said to affect photosynthesis?
Water availability, however it is never the limiting factor because it is usually an effect of temperature, also it never drops enough to be a limiting factor on its own as the plant controls its water loss.
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What is the law of limiting factors?
The rate of photosynthesis is limited by the factor which is in the shortest supply
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What happens in the calvin cycle when light intensity is the limiting factor?
The rate of the light-dependent stage is lower so less ATP and NADPH, these are needed to convert GP to TP, so there will be an increase of GP molecules and a decrease in TP molecules and also a decrease of RuBP
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What happens to the calvin cycle when CO2 concentration is the limiting factor?
There is less carbon dioxide to be fixed so the rate of carboxylation is decreased, so there will be a decrease in GP and TP but an increase in RuBP as it will not be combines with carbon as much.
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What happens to the calvin cycle when temperature is the limiting factor?
Rubisco is denatured if the temp is too high so less GP and TP and more RuBP
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
How does light intensity affect photosynthesis?
Light is the energy source, as it increases, more ATP and NADPH is produced at a higher rate (more photons exciting electrons)
Card 3
How does carbon dioxide concentration affect photosynthesis?
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