Why does Hitler want to unify Austria with Germany?
As Austria is right next to Germany and it contains 7 million German people and he want to unify all Germans. they are also very alike- they both want power and they both speak the same language,
2 of 6
how does he try to take Austria?
he encourages the Austrian-Nazi War Party to start to rebel which resulted in the murder of the Austrian chancellor.
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Who prevented the Anschluss? How does he do this?
Mussolini by moving his army around the frontier of Austria and guaranteeing Austrian Independance,
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What did Hilter do next? What did he deny?
he realised his army was too small and not as powerful so he backed down. he denied any involvement with the War Party
5 of 6
What were Hilter's main reasons for trying to Anschluss?
To unit all German people under Germany and to expand his influence to Austria,
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Card 2
Why does Hitler want to unify Austria with Germany?
As Austria is right next to Germany and it contains 7 million German people and he want to unify all Germans. they are also very alike- they both want power and they both speak the same language,
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