An eight-string instrument related to the guitar, with strings tuned in pairs
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What is the vocal setting in both of the songs?
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What is the vocal range in 'Se Quema La Chumbamba'?
Limited, lead spans minor sixth while chorus refrains span a minor ninth in total
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What is the vocal range of 'Alla va Candela'?
Wider range for lead vocals, spanning twelfth in bolero section but more restricted in the son section. Chorus, restricted to repeated octaves on note E.
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What does the Cuatro play?
A mixture of solo melodic lines and strummed chords
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What does the percussion play?
Typical Latin American style, uses continuous maracas quavers and improvised bongo patterns.
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What is the structure of 'Se Quema La Chumbamba'?
Four Bar Cuatro introduction, presents guajeo throughout the song, regular succession of eight bar pregon 'verses', eight bar coro 'refrain'
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