Instrumental roles (breadwinner, provider) and expressive role (homemaker, socialisation, emotional needs)
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Criticisms of Parsons
Willmott and Young argue that men are now taking greater share of domestic tasks. Feminists-reject idea that division of labour is natural.
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segregated conjugal roles-clear and distinct separate roles/ joint conjugal role- share tasks, spend leisure time together
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Wilmott and Young
The symmetrical family-1973- families more 'partnership of equals'.
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Reasons for symmetrical family
Changes in women's positions; ww2, equal pay act. Geographical mobility. New technology; work from home. Higher standards of living; public health act, able to afford luxuries, makes you want to work.
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Criticisms of Wilmott and Young
Oakley- although there was greater equality in terms of allocation of domestic tasks between spouses in MC than in WC. Only a few marriages could be described as equal.
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March of Progress view
Couples gradually becoming more equal. Men becoming more involved in housework and childcare. Women becoming more involved in paid work.
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New man
A more equal division of domestic tasks and conjugal roles.
Money management: Allowance system (where wives are given a budget to run the household) and pooling (where both partners have joint access to income)
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Home Office definition of domestic violence
Any incident or pattern of incident of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between aged 16 or over who are or who have been intimate partners of family members regardless of gender or sexuality.
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Domestic violence stats
90% of those suffering domestic violence are women
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Dobash and Dobash
Studied police and court records and interviews with women's refuges. Found violent incidents could be set off by what a husband saw as a challenge to his authority. Marriage legitimates violence against women.
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Walby and Allen
women much more likely to be victims of multiple incidents of abuse and sexual violence
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Radical feminist
More patriarchy in the family. men are the oppressors and exploiters of women. patriarchal family= inevitable
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Evaluation of radical feminists
Elliot- rejects the radical feminist point of view as it presumes that all husbands are violent toward their wives- most are caring. They ignore female violence.
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Lacks of economic and material factors such as inequalities in income and housing
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Evaluation of materialist
This does not help explain why women are more likely to be victims.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Willmott and Young argue that men are now taking greater share of domestic tasks. Feminists-reject idea that division of labour is natural.
Criticisms of Parsons
Card 3
segregated conjugal roles-clear and distinct separate roles/ joint conjugal role- share tasks, spend leisure time together
Card 4
The symmetrical family-1973- families more 'partnership of equals'.
Card 5
Changes in women's positions; ww2, equal pay act. Geographical mobility. New technology; work from home. Higher standards of living; public health act, able to afford luxuries, makes you want to work.
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