Family & Households Theory Revision 1 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyFamilies and householdsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: ajb12322Created on: 23-03-21 23:47 What is the Functionalist 4 functions of Family studied by Murdock? sexual, reproductive, economic, educational 1 of 9 What are the 2 basic functions of Family to Functionalist Parsons? stabilization of adult personalities, primary socialization 2 of 9 What is the main viewpoint of Marxism and the Family? the family is a unit of consumption 3 of 9 What functions do Marxists think the Family has? economic, productive, control 4 of 9 What are the 3 main branches of Feminist Theory? Radical, Liberal, Marxist 5 of 9 What is the patriarchy? the combination of systems, culture, and institutions which keep men in power 6 of 9 What do New Right Theorists think is a threat to society? non-nuclear and lone-parent family structures 7 of 9 What is central to Postmodernist view of Family? family diversity is positive and allows more choice 8 of 9 What is the one policy choice both Conservative/Coalition/Labour governments can agree on? means-testing benefits 9 of 9
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