Family Key Words and Theories 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyFamilies and householdsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Harry_RCreated on: 17-05-17 16:18 What does it mean to experience absolute poverty? This means not having the essentials needed for life - Food, Warmth and shelter 1 of 15 What is a Beanpole Family? This is a family structure where a small number of members from each generation all live together in a household 2 of 15 What are conjugal roles? These are the roles of the husband and wife - Who does paid work and who does the washing etc 3 of 15 What is a culture of dependancy? This is the idea that generous welfare policies create a culture where people are happy to claim benefits instead of going to work 4 of 15 What does it mean if a member of the family is doing the emotional work? This is dealing with the emotions of the family - typically done by a women 5 of 15 What is an extended family? This is a family which includes more than just parents and children. It also includes grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins 6 of 15 Wha is hegemony? This is the domination of one group over others 7 of 15 What is a household? This is a group of people who live together, they don't have to be related 8 of 15 What is the nuclear family? Parents and their dependent children living together 9 of 15 What is patriachy? This is a society in which men dominate 10 of 15 What are single person households? This is one person living on their own 11 of 15 What is a symmetrical family? This is where the husband and wife share roles within the househld and spend leisure time together 12 of 15 What is a lone parent family? This is a family type where its just mother and son/daughter on their own, It could be father instead 13 of 15 What does it mean if society is child centric? This means that society exists for the protection of children. 14 of 15 According to Rapoport and Rapoport what are the 5 types of familt diversity? They are organisational diversity, cultural diversity, class diversity, life-course diversity and cohort diversity 15 of 15
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