Family- Lesson 1 (Page 14) 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishFamilyA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: NicoleCatling08Created on: 01-11-17 12:33 ecuatorianos ecuadorian (people of Ecuador(south america)) 1 of 18 la carrera career 2 of 18 el tercero third 3 of 18 han alquilado rent (a flat) 4 of 18 mudarse to change (move) 5 of 18 viven lejos they live faraway 6 of 18 crecieron grew up 7 of 18 les echaban una mano all hands on (lend a hand) 8 of 18 anterior relación previous relationship 9 of 18 breve matrimonio brief/short marriage 10 of 18 una diminuta buhardilla tiny attic 11 of 18 una vida sencilla simple life 12 of 18 ingresos income 13 of 18 sonríen smile 14 of 18 compartir to share 15 of 18 boyfriends novios 16 of 18 rented alquilado 17 of 18 grew up crecieron 18 of 18
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