Family- Page 22 and 23 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishFamilyA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: NicoleCatling08Created on: 03-11-17 10:04 aún still 1 of 12 gozo de buena salud i enjoy good health 2 of 12 mi yerno my son-in-law 3 of 12 cada dos por tres every few/ all the time 4 of 12 merendar have a snack 5 of 12 llegar a fin de mes get to the end of the month 6 of 12 apaciguar to calm down, to soothe 7 of 12 cambiar pañales to change nappies 8 of 12 hábil skillful 9 of 12 enfermedad illness 10 of 12 ligero light 11 of 12 el papel the role 12 of 12
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