Family Relationships 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? SpanishFamilyA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: NicoleCatling08Created on: 03-11-17 10:18 Es muy presumido He is a real snob 1 of 22 Me gusta tener mi propia habitación I like to have my own room 2 of 22 Es caprichosa She is whimsical 3 of 22 Me pone de los nervios She gets on my nerves 4 of 22 Está demasiado seguro de su mismo He is too self-confident 5 of 22 Su mejor cualidad es... Her best quality is... 6 of 22 Me gustariá que fuera... I wish he was... 7 of 22 No tiene sentido del humor He has no sense of humour 8 of 22 Es difícil vivir juntos It is difficult to live together 9 of 22 Habla demasiado She talks too much 10 of 22 Me llevo bien con ellos I get on well with them 11 of 22 No lo puedo soportar I can't stand him 12 of 22 Si tuviera un hermano... If I had a brother... 13 of 22 terco stubborn 14 of 22 caprichosa fussy 15 of 22 conmigo with me 16 of 22 What I hate Lo que odio 17 of 22 Best quality Mejor cualidad 18 of 22 I argue Discuto 19 of 22 Sure of himself Seguro de si mismo 20 of 22 All the time Todo el tiempo 21 of 22 Meals with the family Las comidas en familia 22 of 22
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