Family Vocab Test Sheet 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishFamilyA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: NicoleCatling08Created on: 03-11-17 09:53 grandchildren nietos 1 of 20 grandparents abuelos 2 of 20 a couple una pareja 3 of 20 marriage matrimonio 4 of 20 country país 5 of 20 women mujer 6 of 20 children hijos 7 of 20 new nuevo 8 of 20 advantages ventajas 9 of 20 a barrier un barriera 10 of 20 ayudar to help 11 of 20 juntos together 12 of 20 hoy en día nowadays 13 of 20 cambiar to change 14 of 20 la ausencia absence 15 of 20 alquilar to rent 16 of 20 convivir to live together 17 of 20 el ambiente atmosphere 18 of 20 cuidar to care 19 of 20 el pueblo town/ village 20 of 20
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