Female Reproductive System, Menstrual Cycle and Fertility 5.0 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? NursingFemale Reproductive SystemMenstrual Cycle FertilityUniversityAll boards Created by: jodesxoxoCreated on: 06-05-14 20:19 What are the characteristics of the vagina? A fibromuscular tube with four layers that is moist but has no glands. 1 of 21 How long is the anterior and posterior wall of the vagina? Anterior: 7.5cm Posterior: 10cm 2 of 21 What is the pH of the vagina? 3.8-4.5 (Acidic) 3 of 21 What are the characteristics of a normal cervix? It forms the lower third of the uterus, is 2.5cm long and has 3 layers. 4 of 21 What shape and size is the uterus? A pear shaped organ that measures 7.5 x 5 x 2.5 cm 5 of 21 How many layers does the cervix have? Three! The endometrium (2 layers), myometrium (3 layers) and perimetrium. 6 of 21 Where does the uterine tube connect to the uterus? Inserts into the uterus by the cornua 7 of 21 What is the length of the uterine tube? 10cm + 1cm inside the uterus 8 of 21 What are the main parts and measurements of the uterine tube? Infundibulum (2.5cm), Ampulla (5cm), Isthmus (2.5cm) and the Interstitial Portion (1cm) 9 of 21 What is the size and weight of an ovary? An almond shaped organ that is 3 x 2 x 1cm and is 6 grams. 10 of 21 What is the inner and outer part of the ovary called? Cortex (Outer) and Medulla (Inner) 11 of 21 What are the 3 secretions from the ovary and what do they do? Oestrogen for female characteristics and regrowth of endometrium, progesterone stimulates prep for pregnancy and relaxin which ripens follicle. 12 of 21 How many ova remain at puberty? And how many ova mature? Remain at puberty: 40,000 Ova. Mature: 400-500 Ova. 13 of 21 What is the Corpus Luteum? Area left by ova after ovulation and secretes oestrogen and progesterone for 14 days. 14 of 21 What supply and drainage do all systems have? A blood and nerve supply. A venous and lymphatic drainage. 15 of 21 What is menstruation? A discharge of blood from the uterus at approx 4 week intervals, commencing at puberty until menopause. 16 of 21 What is menses? The usual monthly loss of blood from the uterus down the vagina to the exterior. 17 of 21 What is a menarche? The first menstrual period usually during puberty 18 of 21 What is a menstrual cycle? A cyclical change in the endometrium lining the uterus in response to stimulation by ovarian hormones. 19 of 21 What is the average blood loss during menses? 30-40mls (Over 80mls is considered heavy) 20 of 21 What are the three phases of the menstrual cycle and how long do they last? Menses (3-5 days), Proliferative (6-14 days) and Luteal (15-28 days) 21 of 21