Feminism 0.0 / 5 ? Government & PoliticsFeminismA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: jensameraCreated on: 14-06-18 12:07 What are the core themes of feminism? Redefining 'The political', Sex and Gender, Patriarchy, Equality and Difference 1 of 11 What quote by Kate Millett defines politics? 'power-structured relationships, arrangements whereby one group of persons is controlled by another' 2 of 11 Who disguished between the idea of Public Man and Private Woman? Elshtain 3 of 11 Which feminists argue 'the personal is political'? Radical Feminists 4 of 11 Other than radical feminists, which femeinsts see politics as being in the private sphere? Socialist feminists 5 of 11 What does patriarchy mean to feminists? Power relationships between men and women 6 of 11 What Quote by Kate Millett empahsises patriachy? 'patriachal government' is one where 'half of the populance is female which is controlled by that half which is male' 7 of 11 How do liberal feminists see patriachy? unequal distribution of rights and entitlements in society 8 of 11 How do Scoialist feminists see patriarchy? As a way of serving economic needs and some disgregard patriachy arguing it is merely a product of capitalism. 9 of 11 How do radical feminists see patriarchy? Deep rooted in the family 10 of 11 What is meant by Equality and Difference? Desire to liberate women from 'difference' and achieve equality 11 of 11
"Feminism is defined by the belief that the personal is the political." Discuss (45) 1.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
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