Fitness & Assessment
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- Created by: selinanash
- Created on: 04-05-19 11:02
What is fitness?
Set of attributes/characteristics that people have/achieve that relates to the ability to perform physical activity
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What are the health-related components?
Flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance and body composition
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What are the skill-related components?
Agility, reaction time, speed, power, balance and coordination
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What is assessment?
refers to the wide variety of methods that practitioners use to evaluate, measure and document physical readiness, progression of fitness/skill acquisition or physical or skill based needs of clients
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What makes a good assessment?
Accurate, sensitivity and validity
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What are the 3 types of validity?
construct, content and criterion
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What is construct validity?
ability to discriminate between different groups/populations
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What is content validity?
Test replicates closely the responses seen during performance
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What is criterion validity?
Good relationship with a criterion measure or standard that is accepted as valid
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What is cardiovascular fitness?
The ability to perform large muscle, dynamic, moderate-to-vigorous intensity whole body exercise for prolonged periods of time
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What are the 3 types of energy systems?
ATP-PC, Glycolytic and oxidative
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How long can APT-PC be used for and what test tests it?
3-15 seconds. 1 rep max test
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How long can the glycolytic system be used for and what tests it?
10secs-2 mins. 30 sec Wingate test
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How long can the oxidative system be used for and what test tests it?
at rest > 2 mins. Max deficit oxygen test
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Whats the function of the respiratory system?
carry O2 to and remove CO2 from all body tissue
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What are the 4 processes?
1. pulmonary ventilation (external respiration), 2. pulmonary diffusion (external respiration), 3. Transport of gases via blood. 4. Capilary diffusion (Internal diffusion)
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How do you calculate pulmonary ventilation
breathing frequency X tidal volume
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Whats the function of the cardiovascular system?
Temp balance & fluid regulation, transport hormones, removes co2 waste and delivers o2
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What are the 3 major elements?
1. Heart, 2. Blood vessels, 3. Blood
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How do you calculate cardiac output?
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Describe the characteristics of type 1 muscle fibre (slow oxidative)
HIGH oxidative capacity, LOW glycolytic capacity, SLOW contraction speed, HIGH fatigue resistance
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Describe the characteristics of type II muscle fibres (Fast oxidative)
MODERATELY HIGH oxidative capacity, HIGH glycolytic capacity, FAST contractile speed, MODERATE fatigue resistance
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Describe the characteristics of type IIx muscle fibres (Fast glycolytic)
LOW oxidative capacity, HIGHEST glycolytic capacity, FAST contractile speed, LOW fatigue resistance
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Whats Vo2 max?
maximum amount of o2 one can consume
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Whats the lab way of measuring vo2 max?
'Gold standard'- ergometer that measures power output/speed on a bike, treadmill, rowing
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Describe it...
8-12 mins in total. 2 types. 1. continuous; 1-3 minutes stages, intensity increased 10-30 watts. NO rest, intensity increased either by speed/incline. 2. Ramp, intensity increased throughout the test in smaller increments
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Whats the indirect test for testing vo2 max?
Queens college step test
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What are the field tests to measure vo2 max?
30-15 intermittent test
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Describe it...
30s shuttles interspersed by 15s walking. Velocity @ 8km for stage 1 and speed increased 0.5km after. Participants run between 40m cones, when beep signifies end of 30s, participants walk to next 20m line to start next stage
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What is sub maximal CV fitness?
Ability to perform at a high % of vo2 max for prolonged periods of time
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How to test sub maximal CV fitness?
Lactate threshold protocol
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6-7 stages of 3-5 mins, rest interval 30-60s, blood taken, intensity increase by 10-30 watts, intensity starts at 50-55% of estimated vo2 max
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Whats the lactate threshold field test
Functional threshold power cycle
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warm up over 20min, 5 min hard aiming for tough but sustainable, spin as recovery for 10min, do official 20 min test, 1st 5 min should feel difficult but sustainable, last 5 min should be never again, calculate FTP, take 95% of average power produced
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What is muscular power and whats the test
amount of work performed per unit of time. Test- vertical jump
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What is anaerobic power and whats the test
Total amount of power can be produced instantaneously by the anaerobic metabolic system otherwise know as peak power output. Test- Wingate 6s
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What is anaerobic capacity and whats the test
Total amount of energy that can be produced by the anaerobic metabolic system. Test- repeated sprints, max. accumulated oxygen deficit
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Describe the wingate test
WU: 5 min cycle on ergometer, 10s sprint, 30s recovery, 10s sprint, loosen and stretch. After 1 min rest, subject pedals at 90rpm with no resistance. Experimenter gives command 3-2-1-GO client pedals max against resistance for 30s
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Describe repeated sprints
5x10 x6 aka out, with rest (20-90s)
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Whats the role of the muscles
-produce tension, act on bones to produce movement, produce body heat and maintain posture
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Whats an agonist?
muscle that contracts to produce a specific movement
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What an antagonist?
Muscle that opposes an agonist
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Whats a stabliser/fixator
muscle that contracts to stabilise point of origin for a corresponding muscle
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Whats a synergist
muscle that assists the prime mover
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Whats a isometric movement
contractions of the muscle that produces no movement at the joint
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Whats a isotonic movement
contractions of the muscle that produces movement at the joint
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Whats a concentric contraction
contractions that cause muscle to shorten
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Whats a eccentric contraction
contractions that cause the muscle to lengthen
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What movement occurs on the sagittal plane
extension and flexion
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What movement occurs on the frontal plane
adduction and abduction
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What movement occurs on the transverse plane
external rotation and internal rotation
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What is a pre-exercise health screening
to assess the need to medical clearance before initiating or progressing an exercise programme
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Whats a PARQ
Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire
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Whats blood cholesterol and why do we measure it?
A waxy substance made in the liver and found in some foods. LDL, bad cholesterol, damages and deposits cholesterol on walls of arteries.
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What is strength
the maximal force that a muscle/muscle group can generate at a specific velocity
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What is maximal strength
the ability of a muscle group to develop max force against a resistance in a single contraction
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What is power/speed strength
the amount of work performed per unit of time
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What is reactive strength
this is a representation of the fast SSC function. It shows athletes ability to change quickly from an eccentric to a concentric contraction and their ability to develop max forces in minimal time
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What is strength endurance
the ability of a muscle group to exert sub maximal force for extended periods of time
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What is a isokinetic contraction
maximal contraction of a muscle group at a constant velocity throughout the entire range of joint motion. Resistance will change to match force exerted at each angle
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What test tests isometric strength?
hand grip test
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What test tests dynamic strength ?
1 rep max test
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What tests muscular endurance?
push up
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what tests power?
broad jumps
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What is agility?
the ability to change the position of the body in space with speed and accuracy
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What tests agility?
505 agility test, illinois test
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What is flexibility?
The ability of a joint, or a series of joints, to move through, a full range of motion
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Whats the direct way of testing flexibility and explain
Thomas test; for knee flexion, 1 arm of goniometer on femur and other on tibial shaft, record angle, normal= 80-90 degrees
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Whats the indirect way of testing flexibility?
sit and reach test
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What factors affect flexibility?
stretch tolerance, age, muscle stiffness, body temp, sex, physical activity, body type
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What is balance
the ability to keep the bodys centre of gravity within the base of support when one is in a static position, performing voluntary movements
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what factors affect balance
biomechanics, neurologica components, muscle tone, environment, strength, flexibility
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What are the tests to test balance
Romberg test, unipedal test, nudge test and star excursion test
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What is the vestibular system
provides information about the orientation of whole body in space. 2 receptors: 1. semi-circular canals, detect angular acceleration in different planes. 2. detect linear acceleration
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How to test reaction time
Computer based test, ruler test, reaction light test
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What factors affect reaction time?
age, distraction, fatigue, anxiety
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Whats the process of designing battery of fitness assessment
1. evaluate fitness requirements for performance for the sport. 2. evaluate assessments appropriate for sport. 3, Establish norms for different levels of ability. 4. develop appropriate order of testing
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Whats the appropriate order of testing?
1. screening. 2. anaerobic power based test. 3. aerobic fatiguing test. 4. strength test
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Whats the normative HR?
60-80 beats per min
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whats the normal systolic and diastolic blood pressure
S- <120. D <80
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What is normal BMI
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Whats optimal Total blood cholesterol
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are the health-related components?
Flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance and body composition
Card 3
What are the skill-related components?

Card 4
What is assessment?

Card 5
What makes a good assessment?

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