When waves move through a narrow gap or past an obstacle, they spread out from the edges. This is called Diffraction.
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What is Refraction?
When waves cross a boundary between one medium and another, the frequency remains the same but there is a change in wavelength. This leads to change in wavespeed, which causes the wave to change direction.
2 of 6
what is a solar day?
A solar day is the time taken for the sun to appear at the same position in the sky. It's about 24 hours.
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What is a sideral day?
A sideral day is the time taken for a star to return to the same position in the sky. It's about 23 hours and 56 mins.
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What is a solar eclipse?
When the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. This can happen during a new moon and it results in the moon casting a shadow on the Earth.
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What is a Lunar eclipse?
When the Earth is between the sun and the moon. This results in the Earth casting a shadow on the Moon.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
When waves cross a boundary between one medium and another, the frequency remains the same but there is a change in wavelength. This leads to change in wavespeed, which causes the wave to change direction.
What is Refraction?
Card 3
A solar day is the time taken for the sun to appear at the same position in the sky. It's about 24 hours.
Card 4
A sideral day is the time taken for a star to return to the same position in the sky. It's about 23 hours and 56 mins.
Card 5
When the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. This can happen during a new moon and it results in the moon casting a shadow on the Earth.
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