Gross National Income - money earned by residents of a country including money earned abroad.
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what does HDI stand for ?
Human Development Index. calculate using life expectancy, education, and per capita income.
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what does Infant mortality mean?
how many children per 1000 die before they are 1
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what does literacy rate mean?
the % of adults that read and write acceptably.
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standard of living
refers to the economic level of a person's daily life.
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quality of life
is a social measure of well being.
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50% of the uk's exports go to EU countries, and 50% went to non-EU countries such as the USA and china. the USA takes the most. a lot of the trade is now finance and communications following
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more than 750,000 international flights departs from the UK annually to 400 airports in 114 countries. heathrow is the 4th airport in the world. euro tunnel links Britain to Europe.
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sustainable tourism
sustainable tourism aims to support local communtities socially and economically whilst causing no harm to the environment e.g small scale lodge developments employing local people and using local foods in Kenya.
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the uk is a centre for submarine internet cables connecting the whole world. 18 million british businesses run from home.
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