flashcards 0.0 / 5 ? Geographyextreme environmentsGCSEAQA Created by: saiiCreated on: 14-03-16 23:19 erosion the wearing away of soil and rocks by rivers or glaciers 1 of 10 humidity the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere 2 of 10 altitude the height above sea level 3 of 10 deforestation the cutting down of trees 4 of 10 desertification process where fertile land becomes desert. this occurs as a result of drought, deforestation and overgrazing 5 of 10 overpopulation where too many people live in an area for the resources available, resulting in a low standard of living 6 of 10 global warming the gradual rise in temperatures world-wide 7 of 10 terraces steps cut into the sides of hills to make extra flat land for farming 8 of 10 crop rotation the successive planting of different crops on the same land to improve soil fetility 9 of 10 adaptation a change in a plant or animal that makes it better able to live in a particular place or situation 10 of 10
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