
Coastal Management Holderness Strategies
Groynes are used but causes narrow beaches down the coast line , materiial produced is transported into Humber esturary and Lincolnshire coast, rate of coastal retreat along Lincolnshire coast, Spurn head risk of erosion.
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Coastal Habitat Studland bay case study background information
Studland bay is in Dorset,sheltered from highly erosive waves,sandy beaches around a bay
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Wildlife at Studland bay
Grass snakes, seahorses and marram grass are exmples. Marram grass has folded leaves to reduce water loss, snakes and lizards have thick scaly skin to reduce water loss
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Conflicts between Land use and Need for conservation
people walk across sand dunes causing more erosion, hundreds of boats and their anchors destroy seagrass, the healthland is an important habitat but can only be damaged by fires
4 of 5
what is ther to prevent this
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Card 2


Studland bay is in Dorset,sheltered from highly erosive waves,sandy beaches around a bay


Coastal Habitat Studland bay case study background information

Card 3


Grass snakes, seahorses and marram grass are exmples. Marram grass has folded leaves to reduce water loss, snakes and lizards have thick scaly skin to reduce water loss


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Card 4


people walk across sand dunes causing more erosion, hundreds of boats and their anchors destroy seagrass, the healthland is an important habitat but can only be damaged by fires


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Card 5




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