Floor of mouth and tongue

what are the boundaries of oral cavity? a: anterior b: posterior c: roof d: floor
a: alveolar/dental arches of mandible and maxilla b: oropharyngeal isthmus - space bounded laterally by palatoglossal folds c: hard palate and soft palate d: tongue, muscles of floor of mouth
1 of 12
what is the function of chorda tympani
parasympsathetic secretomotor to submandibular and sublingual gland. special sense of taste to anterior 2/3rds tongue
2 of 12
what nerve supplies the papillae of tongue
vallate- CN IX, Foliate- CN VII, filiform- CN V3, fungiform- CNVII
3 of 12
What do the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of tongue
intrinsic- originate and insert within tongue. alter shape of tongue. extrinsic- ordinate outwit the tongue and insert into it
4 of 12
what do the longitudinal and transverse and vertical muscle do
longitudinal- make tongue short and thick. transverse and vertical- make tongue long and narrow
5 of 12
what are the extrinsic muscles
styloglossus, hypoglossus, genioglossus, palatoglossus,
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what are tongue muscles. supplied by
CN XII apart. from palatoglossus which is supplied by CN. X
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where would the tongue point if cn xii was damaged
towards the side of the injured nerve
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what is the buccal and lingual sulcus
buccal: deepest part of cheek part of vestibule. lingual: deeper part of area between tongue and teeth
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what does the geniohyoid. attach to
inferior mental spines/ genial tubercle of mandible
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Where are the sublingual and deep part of submandibular gland situated in comparison to mylohioyd
underneath the mylohyoid
11 of 12
what is the posterior and anterior part of tongue innervated by
posterior cn IX - for general sensation asnterior- CN V3 for sensation CN VII for taste
12 of 12

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Card 2


what is the function of chorda tympani


parasympsathetic secretomotor to submandibular and sublingual gland. special sense of taste to anterior 2/3rds tongue

Card 3


what nerve supplies the papillae of tongue


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What do the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of tongue


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what do the longitudinal and transverse and vertical muscle do


Preview of the front of card 5
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